[Zero Punctuation] Mass Effect



Get it while it's hot!, or, at least... new?

I dunno. It's early.

Leave me alone.

As an after thought, though this review made me chuckle (as always) it felt "different", "wrong", ever so slightly towards "boring". It's still an awesome review, and I will continue to watch these until my eyes explode from too many late night gaming sessions into the early hours of the morning, fueled by alcohol, sugar or a mixture of both, but it was still a little, erm,... I dunno. When it finished it just seemed to be over before I thought it was going to be.



Junior Administrator
Hmm, aught to do a THN review on Mass Effect at some point, as a thought, with more and more things being reviewed, should we consider a "reviews" forum section?

Maybe this aught to go in hey admins, but meh, thoughts?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
There's a separate module one can throw into vBulletin to contain reviews and/or other articles. But I've not really looked at. I will, however, if I can get four/five people who say they're prepared to contribute say a review every couple of months each, which would come to around a review every fortnight.

Let me know if you'd be interested. I'd even look at getting you your own name colour and everything. :)


In Cryo Sleep
I got Mass Effect at release and still havent even put it in my 360 yet, games overload! Plus, I'd rather play through FF9 again than try and take on a mediocre new rpg.

And yes, Vibs, Ronin, I'd like to see a games review section. I enjoy writing them, but the ones I do get swished away into the mists of time because the Games section is busy.