Zul'gurub Raid! (new raid on Sat 3rd)


Well-Known Member
New raid set up for the weekend, please go to the guild raid calendar at http://wow.thehavennet.org.uk/raid/ to sign up!


I'm trying to get ZG raids going often now to get us into a raiding mentality. Go to the guild raid calendar to signup, and make sure you have GEM installed (it'll be put in the guild mod pack today).

And before anyone tries to make comments about "it's the week, can't do it"... well, you'd be playing WoW anyway, for several hours, so yes you can do it, to be fair :p


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Zul'gurub Raid!

BTW Windzarko, The Raid calendar has been updated now (THANKS HAVEN) and we can now organise through there if you like.



Well-Known Member
Re: Zul'gurub Raid!

Okay, looking back on the raid:

It was a good run, and for a semi-shambolic group of 15, we did really well, I feel, and it helped me realise a few things that need to be pointed out for all:

-Raids are NOT a DPS match; you don't constantly nuke every target, as this makes things either difficult or impossible for the tank to keep aggro! Generally, *everyone* needs to wait at least five seconds on non-boss mobs, and at the VERY lest ten to fifteen seconds on bosses before any kind of DPS takes place. And until a boss is down to it's last 10-15% health, no nuking; just steady and reasonable DPS, to avoid over-aggro. We nearly managed to drive Zeutan crazy last night because of over-aggro :P

-We need to try keeping up pace and momentum; almost nobody left last night, and certainly nobody left out of boredom, and that's because we kept going fast, and almost never paused for more than a minute or two at a time. That momentum and pace was great for keeping people there and keeping people paying attention, so in future we'll try and make that the norm.

-If there is a mob or boss loose without a tank on it, people need to learn to stop attacking it, so the tank can get aggro back. So many times there was a berserker or boss loose, and people kept attacking it! The only time DPS should continue on a loose target is when it is very nearly dead. Also, when some people had aggro on them, they tried running away; do NOT do that, as it makes it harder again for the tank. Even if it means nearly dying, stand still!

I think that's all... if anyone else has good observations to share, please do so!


Edit: I'm planning on another raid on Saturday as well, during the day (1:30pm UK time signups, 2:30 server time; I'll be putting the times on the raid calendar as server times), and I've set it up on the guild raid calendar at http://wow.thehavennet.org.uk/raid/. Let's see if we cant down Hakkar this time ^^


Staff member
Re: Zul'gurub Raid!

Fair points - the running away part I assume is aimed at me ?

I'm happy to stand still and use psychic scream rather than pulling it back to a safe distance before I do :) The alternative is the death of the healer and we all know how much fun that can be (tanks can only do so much and you need someone allocated to pull threat from clothies to avoid this happening).

*smiles sweetl*

Was a good run and I thoroughly enjoyed, I didn't think we were particularly shambolic (not saying we were organised either!).


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Zul'gurub Raid!

Last night was very good!

At the start I was worried about all the invites we were still issuing as people joing in tends to take while and this un-settles people.

Apart from my random dissaperances at random times (I swear u said we were on a break! ooo friends refrence!) I thought the pace was good. Its hard when its so fast you just doing the same thing all the time but our pace ment that we didnt have to have many requested mana breaks and everyone was present for the fights.

I would love to come and do then end tonight but I have to go see a woman about at flat share at 7 and don't know whjen I will be back


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Zul'gurub Raid!

I would love to come and do then end tonight but I have to go see a woman about at flat share at 7 and don't know whjen I will be back



That innuendo aside, I enjoyed the raid and am looking forward to others. I will be on for tonights and Saturdays. I also see that aside form Umb I am the only one to sign up using the Guild Raid Calender. Tut tut people.

So yeah, Im also fiddling about with the Guild Mod Pack atm so :)

This is all!

-- T-Bone


Well-Known Member
Re: Zul'gurub Raid!

I should be able to make this, but I have to go get my hair cut so I may be late!