Zul'gurub: time is running out


Well-Known Member
Yeah, so I just found official blue confirmation that Zul'gurub will cease to exist as a raid zone in Cataclysm. The exact wording is a little cryptic in regards to what will be there afterwards, but it's clear that it will no longer be a level 60 raid instance. However, by the same token, there is also reasonable confirmation of all the other current level 60 raids remaining in place.

To that end, if anyone -desperately- needs/wants anything from ZG still for their level 60 character, then I'd recommend shouting it out here (and I'm not talking about call-outs for generic loot or mount drops, I mean something seriously significant in some manner to your class/character). We can still go after ZG some weeks (not too often, mind: dunno about you, but ZG is fun and all, but doing it too often as LX can be a little tiresome when we know we can do harder raids), and on weeks where we don't go, feel free to get boosted through to grab stuff.

I guess this is the kick in the pants I needed to get back to farming that damnable tiger for Ari... if it's removed before I get it, there will be blood.


Super Moderator
Staff member
First we loose Onyxia-60 (To be replaced by Onyxia-80)
And now Z'G-60?
Loving the rewards from Z'G tbh. (Rep/hand-in by x-items, etc)
Also loving the whole atmosphere of the place.

Hmm. Guess I need to get in there more often on Fae-Fae for the mount as well.


Well-Known Member
Well, I know that the Zandalar Tribe's STV presence has moved from Yojamba Isle to the gates of ZG itself; it's entirely possible that ZG might be incorporated into the STV questing in some fashion (helping mop up the remnants of the Gurubashi Empire, for example) or something grander, but the availability of the current raid as we know it will be gone forever.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Well, I know that the Zandalar Tribe's STV presence has moved from Yojamba Isle to the gates of ZG itself; it's entirely possible that ZG might be incorporated into the STV questing in some fashion (helping mop up the remnants of the Gurubashi Empire, for example) or something grander, [Snip]

Good idea(considering what a threat the Gurubashi Empire has been)
[Snip]but the availability of the current raid as we know it will be gone forever.
This however, sucks. Reason: Impressive load f work put into it. And we will be losing yet another 60-raid fron the vanilla. (For thos keeping score, that is effectively 3 raids instances down. Ony, Naxx, Z'G)

Think it may be time for us to pick things up and get this show on the road before we sit here, wondering why we didn't do this more often :p


Super Moderator
Staff member
[Response] Zul'gurub: time is running out

ZG might become a 85 raid. You can never tell.

Would have been a good idea.

But it is more likely that Zul'Gurub will become a raid-free quest zone, as an extension to Northern Strangelthorn.
And considering that it is STV, I'd say about 30-35'ish as to match the quest hubs that lead up to those parts of the vale.


Well-Known Member
ZG might become a 85 raid. You can never tell.

I'd be happy were that the case, but unless it's a post-Cata patch that adds that in, then I strongly doubt it; the phrasing was such that Zul'gurub would cease to be a raid instance, not that the current version would become unavailable.

Still, can but hope.