THN quotes II


Junior Administrator
<VibroAxe> i have a silver 3 way
<bacon> oh, maybe I do have one then
<VibroAxe> however, a blue 4 way does ring a bell....


Junior Administrator
[Today 12:54] thatbloke: JEEZ
[Today 12:54] thatbloke: i shagged it then
[Today 12:49] bacon: that's a kangaroo
[Today 12:47] thatbloke: I tied it down

bottom up :rolleyes:


Junior Administrator
On Steam just now:
comrade_phil: jeezus - that was tight
[THN] thatbloke: that's what she said
comrade_phil: and that *isnt* what she said
comrade_phil: ...
[THN] thatbloke: TOO SLOW


In Cryo Sleep
I'd like to file a formal complaint against VibroAxe:



Junior Administrator
Haven said:
10:26 <@Haven> brb testing my first custom initramfs \o/
10:26 -!- Haven [~haven@] has quit [Read error: EOF from client]

It's now 10:34 and he still hasn't been seen....


New Member
<noms> You're the Hero the Centration Team deserves.
<spicypixel> OH GOD
<spicypixel> I like how you seriously don't want it to go anywhere by dragging me into it, I'm so bad
<noms> You're one of the few people who knows what they're talking about. :(
<spicypixel> oh lordy

Well that's a new one.


In Cryo Sleep
16:09 <@Haven> so thatbloke, when you going to get it out and photo it then ?
16:09 <@thatbloke> when i get some batteries

16:09 <@thatbloke> I want to be able to take pics of it with its lights working
16:09 <@Haven> is it big ?
16:09 <@thatbloke> yes
16:09 <@Haven> \o/
16:09 <@thatbloke> like 30"

Because it continued to be dodgy.