THN quotes II


In Cryo Sleep
I had a good laugh over this one

During assorted people talking and t-bone on a mission to get his enchanting up to 300. He was sorting out a different assortment of things that he'd need.

We'd all forgotton that he needed an enchanted arcanite rod as he'd been quiet for some time. It was then he made his announcement.

"OK, I am ready for the rod"

Purile as it is it made me giggle lots! :)


In Cryo Sleep
From our most recent game of TA, Sgt. Fury delivers a chuckleworthy quote on TS :D :

'What's that big missile flying over my base?'



Falling foul of a Pia nuclear weapon :D


HA! Nice! :D

Wish I had been there. Though TA is all nice and patched to goodness now!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
It wasn't Pia, Tetsuo, but Bambi. I made him pay o i made him pay.....

Just enough for Piacular to wipe us both out :D.


In Cryo Sleep
Oops, sorry :D It's just I'm so used to Pia cheating and using all the big guns :D Was brilliant though, I heard you go 'What was that?' and then my screen shook violently and you shouted Fuck!, it was great :D


In Cryo Sleep
[Today 10:41] thatbird: come take my cold from me
[Today 10:41] Piacular: *suck*
[Today 10:41] thatbird: eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[Today 10:41] Piacular: ...
[Today 10:41] Piacular: And with that, I leave you for 2 days! Bysie bye people



In Cryo Sleep
He's got your DNA now, that means we can expect to see a thatbird clone up and about in the next couple of days.


In Cryo Sleep
That sounds pretty cool! two of me to do the work! or one of me to sit at home while the other runs around like a headless chiken!


In Cryo Sleep
[Pia] Right im back
[midge] good now you can play coh with me
[pia] ugh midge its too hardcore in the morning
[midge] that the worst exuse ive ever heard
[pia] It IS with all the death and shooting gargh
[midge] Hey im dead dont talk to me about death - the warewolf game dead btw


Junior Administrator
a little beauty from elD over xfire

elDiablo: OH GOD
waterproofbob: what
elDiablo: I just sneezed EVERYWHERE
elDiablo: Like, over BOTH my screens :(!
waterproofbob: you are a tit
elDiablo: On my keyboard!!!
elDiablo: AH!


In Cryo Sleep
u know what I can totaly see eld fraking out over that in my head! i bet he chased the misses around with it too!!


Junior Administrator
A proper WTF moment from thatbird in the shoutbox not 5 minutes ago:

thatbird said:
drunk a hole 17.99 bottle of southern comfort last night and passed out on a sofa next to a girl wrapped in pvc body tape dressed as a dominatrix who was using my friend dressed as a chearleader in nu rocks as a gimp on a chain! I had a good night. However this morning sucks!


Active Member
*haven runs off to find a hiding place*
*thatbloke runs from the insanity*
*haven grabs a giant homoerotic frat paddle of doom and runs after thatbloke*
thatbloke: that is one strange story...
thatbloke: ZOMG!


Junior Administrator
in the shoutbox:

*haven squeaks into the room wearing nothing but a home made clingfilm kilt and sporran*

*haven does some vigorous starjumps*

*haven squeaks back out of the room*


Well-Known Member
[15:51] <Jospicy> CHEESE!!!
[15:54] <[THN]Dragon> Oh my
[15:54] <[THN]Dragon> Fries!
[15:56] <Jospicy> i need inspiration...
[15:56] <Jospicy> i have an entire course to learn before 1am and i just can't be bothered
[15:58] <[THN]Dragon> Think of ...
[15:58] <[THN]Dragon> A
[15:58] <[THN]Dragon> BIG
[15:58] <[THN]Dragon> uhm ...
[15:58] <[THN]Dragon> APPLEPIE!
[15:59] <Jospicy> all i can think of is American Pie..
[15:59] <[THN]Dragon> -.-
[16:00] <[THN]Dragon> Stop thinking of sex and instead think of a nice yellow long banana!
[16:00] <[THN]Dragon> which your girlfriend is about to eat ...
[16:00] <[THN]Dragon> with her mouth
[16:00] <[THN]Dragon> ...
[16:00] * [THN]Dragon imagines what he just said
[16:01] <[THN]Dragon> oops sorry ... got carried away
[16:01] <[THN]Dragon> think of a peach!
[16:02] <[THN]Dragon> Works?
[16:04] <Jospicy> i'm distraced enough now to do some work methinks
[16:04] <Jospicy> you'll see how well it worked depending on how soon i return
[16:07] <[THN]Dragon> xD
[16:07] <[THN]Dragon> kk
[16:32] <thehaven> meh
[16:32] * thehaven wanders off to spank a donkey
[16:36] <[THN]Dragon> hey
[16:36] <[THN]Dragon> HAAAVEN
[16:36] <[THN]Dragon> Leave my donkey alone!
[16:37] <[THN]Dragon> Or do you wanna recreate the scene with the donkey and the chambermaid?
[16:38] <thehaven> nah my chambermaid days are over
[16:40] <[THN]Dragon> Oh come'on
[16:40] <[THN]Dragon> pleaaase
[16:40] <[THN]Dragon> do it one mor time for me
[16:41] <[THN]Dragon> :)
[16:41] <thehaven> nope, I'm a virtuous woman these days
[16:41] <[THN]Dragon> Oh really?
[16:41] <[THN]Dragon> Hard working?
[16:42] <[THN]Dragon> In the kitchen
[16:42] <thehaven> only when I have to be :(
[16:42] <[THN]Dragon> Orly?
[16:42] <[THN]Dragon> What do you do the rest of the time
[16:42] <[THN]Dragon> Or wait, do I want to know?
[16:49] <thehaven> :)


Well-Known Member
A nice one from Nanor this time:

[Today 19:55] Nanor: My neighbours come out EVERY DAY to call their friggin' cat! Since when could you call a cat by it's name and it'll come?! FFS!
[Today 20:11] waterproofbob: If you have food nanor
[Today 20:11] waterproofbob: If there's food it'll come
[Today 20:12] thatbloke: that's what she said
[Today 20:30] Nanor: She's still doing it. >.<
[Today 21:43] Nanor: FOR FUCK SAKE
[Today 21:44] Nanor: AARGH!


Junior Administrator
[Today 14:25] Nanor: Wow..
[Today 14:25] Birdy: the thought of getting chewed out scares me
[Today 14:25] Nanor: Quote:
Originally Posted by Birdy
nanor thankyou so much for saturday night. U were awsome


Junior Administrator
I apologise now for this not being a THN quote as such, but i just thought it was too perfect not to post it. This is from my 2142 clans shoutbox regarding our next match.

CurryKing-UE-: about our match tonight guys, if our players all just pause it is cause one of our players "BL0NDE-UE-" is having contractions as she is in labor but hopes to play
2007-08-19, 17:36:52