Iron Man WoW


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)


Many people in that thread seem to have missed its point. They're griping about the one death rule, which is the one rule that truly makes it ironman.

I have to say, I don't understand the reasoning behind some of the other rules, though. In particular, I don't understand the no talents rule. It sounds about as arbitrary as saying you can't have a rotation...~

Still, sounds awesome! :D If I had the play time, I'd certainly get in on it.



New Member
Combining this with the "pacifist Skyrim" concept, could you level to 85 without dying and without actually killing anything?

/not that I want to do it, just curious

--- edit ---
Oh, wait, no professions so no levelling up that way so I figure not. Too many quests that require you kill stuff.


In Cryo Sleep
There have been WoW pacifists too. Combining the concepts .. no, I don't think that's possible.

As for the 'no talent points' thing, I guess they want to make it as difficult for themselves as possible :p


Well-Known Member
Sounds fun, but if it was a lag death (they DO happen) would you have to delete? ;p

I remember on my latest wow chara I didn't die once all the way to 84, then lagged on a pull and logged in dead. :/


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

Sounds fun, but if it was a lag death (they DO happen) would you have to delete? ;p

Yup. Iron Man is Iron Man, just like Diablo Hard Mode is Hard Mode. (I understand that it's harder to "lag out" in Diablo, which is inherently local, but it could happen if, say, your machine stalls for some reason...)

Just like in real life, if you die from a TFOA, you're still dead... :p



Well-Known Member
Hey, :)

Yup. Iron Man is Iron Man, just like Diablo Hard Mode is Hard Mode. (I understand that it's harder to "lag out" in Diablo, which is inherently local, but it could happen if, say, your machine stalls for some reason...)

Just like in real life, if you die from a TFOA, you're still dead... :p


Yes but chance of dying to an object from an aircraft I would have thought are "slightly" less than chance of either an ISP fail, Blizz server fail, hardware fail, windows fail, cat/dog stamping base unit power switch fail.. (yes this happens, I'm sure my cat knows where it is).


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

ISP fail, Blizz server fail, hardware fail, windows fail, cat/dog stamping base unit power switch fail.. (yes this happens, I'm sure my cat knows where it is).

I know it happens. :) It's part of the game. It's the part that says, no matter how good you are, you can't control everything.

*You must play this song upon each level-up

I found this oddly disturbing and a little bit frightening...! :D
