The buff totems get replaced with something that provides more utility, and perhaps might even require more situational control, instead of the current fire-and-forget approach.
This would give shamans more responsibility for the outcome of the fight, whereas at the moment it's all about pressing that bloodlust button at the right time (that being, not whilst buffing after a wipe, Koji

And somehow, you equate this to dumbing down and making it too easy? You see what you want to see.
Well then, why not remove all buffs entirely? If the raid group is expected to have a certain composition in order to get all the buffs they'd need, why take all the buffs away from one class? After giving mages BL there were already fewer reasons to take a shammy, but removing their ability to buff?
If I wanted to use my "situational" totems, I'd go PvP.
What with the spread of buffs now, and the amount of overlaps which occur between them, why NOT just do away with buffs entirely? Utility totems? What the hell is utility if not the required buffs for your group which you aren't getting due to other classes missing? They're using 'utility' to mean 'quirky' - 'quirky' isn't fun when it's unreliable, or requires a PvP mentality in PvE.
All totems are now utility
New totem examples:
- Earthgrab totem - roots
- Repulsion totem - repels
- Bulwark Totem - absorbs
Earthgrab totem = current Earthbind totem (oooh, a shiny rename!)
Repulsion totem = 'fear' for shaman. Fear being oh so useful in a raid environment against a boss - right?
Bulwark totem = Glyphed Stoneclaw totem.
So what they actually did according to that list of "new" totems, is rename a couple and give shammies a fear. To me, that doesn't make up for the lack of being able to bring all the necessary buffs.
The whole point of the shaman class was to increase the usefulness of others. I feel by removing our ability to do so, we're becoming more of a "ME ME ME" personal DPS class - which isn't what a hybrid class should be.
/rant.... for now.