Match with Barninho played. What a fantastic one!
Barninho won the toss and decided to kick. Kick-off event: a blitz! His golem, Juice Terry, blitzes, injures and outright kills my blitzer Nocturno Culto! Thankfully, my apo manages to patch him up. The ball bounces out of necro tackle zones, Maniac the thrower picks it up, but the +AG lineman Garm can't catch the damned ball, even with a reroll (snake-eyes #1). Barn places two tz on it, but can't do much more. I manage to free the ball by pushing a wolf's lying body onto it, but turn over again on a
, even with a reroll. Barninho again places his players near the ball and uses his second reroll on a block (we're both on our last in turn 2).
Garm decides it's time to make that AG4 count, dodges out, 2d-blitzes a wight, KOs and pushes him onto the ball, makes a gfi, picks it up in 1 tz, dodges out, makes a second gfi. Another human dodges out to form a cage near the LoS. Barninho manages to loosen up the cage with a chain-push and blitzes the carrier with a wight, unfortunately for him it comes push, rerolled to push (those rerolls were pretty useless in this game). Turnover on double skull zombie. Almost all my players are tied up, I can't do much, ogres goes stupid again. I move the ballcarrier by one space. BLAM! goes the wizard, KOing the moron ogre, stunning three my players (including the carrier) and tripping one more. Freed ball bounces into two my TZs, so it could be worse (though not by much). Than a misclick by Barn makes zombie dodge. Obviously, unsuccessfully. I free up the ball and pick it up with a guard blitzer, who then runs into necro half. Barninho marks him, but I blitz out and try to sprint out of reach. 1 GFI needed... 1. Reroll... 1

(snake-eyes #2). Necros mark both the lying blitzer and nearby catcher (can't reach the ball) and KO two linemen. I can still score, just have to dodge out with catcher so he can assist the blitzer. Catcher decides to trip on his own leg. A ghoul picks up the ball and a wight goes deep to act as a receiver. Garm dodges and makes two gfis to mark him. The wight can't make the catch. End of first half.
Second half and a wight decides to prolong his break, while both the ogre and Horg the lineman wake up, while Demonaz joins Sick Boy for a game of chess. 10 vs 10. The kick ends up next to the sideline near the LoS. Barninho marks the place heavily and uses a reroll to pick the ball with a ghoul. Garm stuns the wolf, while Euronymous gets into enemy territory. Zombie marks him, but the ghoul is otherwise unprotected. I 1D blitz him, sack him and the ball lands on my side of the pitch, but with two zombies next to it. I forget to dodge out with Fenriz on the sideline, which results in an angry mob smashing his knee. A zombie turnovers on double skulls, which narrows the ballguards to two zombies. I push one, blitz the second one, catcher runs ahead, but Maniac the thrower can't pick up the ball, which lands out of my reach. Werewolf picks it up, but again is successfully blitzed by Euronymous. I can't get the ball though. A quick turnover (Barninho had used all his rerolls already, while I still had all of them) meant there was only a zombie near the ball.
I can't pass on that chance. I blitz him, Nocturno Culto picks the ball up and runs as far as he can (without gfi-ing though). It's not enough! The werewolf dodges out, 1d blitzes him and takes the ball. Now it's my turn. Catcher dodges out to assist, the downed blitzer makes his revenge and sacks the wolf. Ball lands in my catcher's hands. Werewolf tries one more time, but fails this time when a skull is rolled. Barninho still has his wizard, so I decide to not stall and try to score now, need two rerolls. Of course, considering what had already happened, I shouldn't have done it. Double skulls #3, the catcher is stunned. Barn makes a grief mistake by not moving the wolf to mark my only lineman still in range of scoring. Ihsahn dodges, gets the ball and makes two GFIs in the last seconds of the match!
What a game!
1-0 to the BUMZURS. MVP goes to the rookie thrower. Varg the ogre levels up, but I'm one player down (niggled blitzer).
Checked the stats in BBM. Brainspotting had better 2d6 (7.5 vs. 2), but slightly worse d6 (0.8 vs. 1.6) - but it's messed up badly, because hit fireball victims count as my good luck!