Yeah, a hand-over is a long way away, the Iraqi army and Police is even less able to cope with "insurgents"
The way I see it, instead of pulling out the British Army and U.S marine's should be committing more and more.
Whilst adding troops will put more at risk, on an individual basis surely the average trooper will be safer with more comrades around.
Secondly the major issue I feel, and one that the U.S failed to learn in Vietnam is the reliance on technology - I'll explain:
It's all very well to "quick strike" using BH's full of troops, who then withdraw once the mission is over, but against insurgent's it's stupid.
Insurgents "ack, Omg those hacking USMC are coming with BlackHawks" "Quick hide in bushes, till they're gone"
USMC "Area secure, lets bugger off back to base"
Insurgents "right lads, back to the roadside".
It's utterly pointless, the only way to get rid of insurgents is to root them out,inch by inch. Playing the role of "annoying wasp" just delays the inevitible withdrawl