[DF] 2.0 Year Two


Junior Administrator
3rd Granite

Construction of the new underground water supply has begun!

19th granite

24 migrants arive .... :eek:

I am not sure where we are going to store all of these dwarves and I have a feeling we're getting another large swarm of dwarves before the years end ...

time to draft some more of these guys into the militia.

We have a bone doctor and two surgeons, I'll start creating an infirmary.


Active Member
This is sounding like a good start! You mentioned something about shiny jewels in the caverns too?

How big is our militia and do they have good armour/weapons?


Junior Administrator
Our militia is three people, they need equipment... :p

I am going to make a mine entrance to the caverns so that the dwarves can start collecting equipment, but have a lockable door on there to avoid cave crocodiles escaping out to the surface


Active Member
Aye, I suggest giving them weapons, unless you want them to train in wrestling goblins to death. . . .


Junior Administrator
Apparently we had a few metal armour sets available as they appear to have donned them (from what I could tell)

Battle Axes equiped!

22nd Slate the underground water tunnel from the brook is complete, we may have accidentally drowned one carrier dwarf who got on the wrong side of the floodgate when the wall went up ...

Carving out rooms is well underway... we have 40 new rooms being constructed as well as a new area to place a stockpile for all the rocks coming out of this!

I have laid down the foundations for 5 more noble rooms, with only 3 of them being built at the moment. There are another 40 rooms laid out on standby for when we need them though. We have a total of 39 dwarves currently... If I remember correctly we should be seeing a trade caravan from the elves arive fairly soon so I can start offloading some of these toys we've got building up!


Active Member
Better check their inventories, the sprites make it look like dwarves are in full armour, but what they're wearing and what they appear to wear is completely different!

Sounds like the construction of living space is coming along well though, how are crafts/armour/weapon production coming along?

Do we have plenty of bins and barrels?

What about delicious food and even more precious alcohol?


Junior Administrator
1st Felsite

The Unicorns have returned!

We are attempting to wall them in I don't know if this is going to work...


Active Member
Ooh, Unicorns. Tame them, breed more, make Unicorn bone armour?

Ah wait, they are not tameable. T_T

Just kill them for pretty bones!


Junior Administrator
2nd Galena

Another troll has surfaced ... Urist Oddomzatam, Axedwarf has died trying to protect the people...


Junior Administrator
3rd Galena,

11 migrants arrived, total population 59 dwarves.

two more surgeons... I'm hoping one of these has a diagnose skill otherwise they're about to start taking a stab in the dark until we get someone more proficient.


Active Member
Huh, I thought I had posted after your second troll-based post! Mysterious forum. . . .

Well, three trolls is a bit more dangerous, you had better replace the axe-dwarf!

Surgeons sound good, I have the horrible feeling this fortress is going to have some troubles. . . .


Junior Administrator
19th Limestone

Work has begun on a trench out at the front door to the fortress.

21st Limestone

9 more migrants arrive ... More living quarters being opened up now.

Creating more space for stone stockpiling, to clear out the living quarters.


Junior Administrator
1st sandstone

Trench, bridge and lever complete.

The bridge and trench are out in front of the training dwarves, I will let someone else decide if my fortifications needs improving :p


Junior Administrator
18th Sandstone

Counted as bear number 3 wandering towards the fortress...

bears all dead, Axedwarves are becoming injured, trying to get an infirmiry finished before the end of the year!


Junior Administrator
DF crashed .... :/

I'm going to bed I will restart (from half a year...) tomorrow morning before passing this on.


Active Member
Aw man, that's happening a lot. Give DF about a minute before assuming it has totally crashed, it goes Not Responding a lot for me but waiting fixes it a lot of the time. . . .