5 People Burned Alive For Being Witches.


Just watched it........ Very unpleasent to see this hapening...
Hard to believe people can do this to each other


I managed to watch about 11 seconds before feeling physically sick and having to turn it off. It is absoloutely rediculous that in todays society this is still happening and pretty much always in the name of religion no less.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

in todays society

Only, it's not, now, is it?

Just because it's happening today, doesn't mean those people aren't somewhere is a previous century...

Still horribly sad, though, and one of those things part of me wishes I didn't know about...



In Cryo Sleep
This is absolutely sick and disgusting, although, I guess some tribes still have those beliefs and such.



Hoy, :)

Only, it's not, now, is it?

Just because it's happening today, doesn't mean those people aren't somewhere is a previous century...

Still horribly sad, though, and one of those things part of me wishes I didn't know about...


I suppose they may not be as technologically advanced as us, however this still does not excuse any such action as burning a person to death for irrational beliefs.


In Cryo Sleep
...irrational beliefs.

To be honest, I believe religion is quite irrational all in all. I'm an atheist, and I do not hate religion or whatever, but there are many wars based on religion and there's nothing wrong with believing in a god or whatever. Ofcourse not all religions are as sick as this but they still have the rights to believe whatever they want, don't they?

On the other point, I think this is pure sadism and murder, and it should be illegal.

Hope my words made any sense - I'm not a native speaker of the language, but at least I'm trying.


In Cryo Sleep
a good man will do good things, a bad man will do bad things and the only thing that will make a good man do bad thing is religion,
i am strongly against religion... wont push it in others faces or brain wash people, cos then im no better than a evangelist. infinite regression... you say its illogical that existence just happened... well there are massive holes there but ill let it slip for argument, do you think its more illogical that existence just happened, or your god just happened, an omnipotent sentient being with infinite powers that created the universe in its complexities. and the only proof you have is a book that has been edited 2000 times in 2000 years, and was written 500 years after the dude was alive,... mmm rant over


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

as technologically advanced as us

I was only talking about "technological" advancement insofar as social advacement counts as technology.

Social systems need to advance. They need to be discovered, developed, implemented and accepted, much as any "technology" does...

Those people are stuck in a previous century, plain and simple, and there's nothing you can do about it short of going in and ramming social advancement down their throats.

While that may seem justifiable at first glance, history has shown that it has its own drawbacks.



To be honest, I believe religion is quite irrational all in all. I'm an atheist, and I do not hate religion or whatever, but there are many wars based on religion and there's nothing wrong with believing in a god or whatever.

On the other point, I think this is pure sadism and murder, and it should be illegal.

Hope my words made any sense - I'm not a native speaker of the language, but at least I'm trying.

I disagree, I believe there are many things wrong with believing in a god, or adhearing to organised religion, however that's a discusion for another thread.

Ofcourse not all religions are as sick as this but they still have the rights to believe whatever they want, don't they?

Not if their beliefs are encroaching on peoples freedom of speech or civil rights. Especially when their beliefs are condeming people to death!

Zooggy said:
I was only talking about "technological" advancement insofar as social advacement counts as technology.

Social systems need to advance. They need to be discovered, developed, implemented and accepted, much as any "technology" does...

Those people are stuck in a previous century, plain and simple, and there's nothing you can do about it short of going in and ramming social advancement down their throats.

While that may seem justifiable at first glance, history has shown that it has its own drawbacks.


Theres a big difference to "ramming social advancement down their throats" and trying to bring in slow gradual change through proper education etc. Are we to sit here and do nothing while this goes on for another, what 100... 300... 500 years? Knowing that we have the oppertunity to save lives.

Lets look at it another way, is it wrong for doctors and medical personal from our society to go into Africa and administer drugs for Aids or give basic healthcare? Shouldn't we leave these people in isolation to discover drug treatments and healthcare for themselves?


Staff member
Theres a big difference to "ramming social advancement down their throats" and trying to bring in slow gradual change through proper education etc.
There's also a big difference between proper education and telling someone that everything they believe is "wrong."


Staff member
Also, as an aside, what has everyone so convinced that these people weren't witches?


In Cryo Sleep
Also, as an aside, what has everyone so convinced that these people weren't witches?

For some myself included? Probably because they don't believe things like witches. For others? ... ok so i can't think of a second reason, but its ok because im trying to do maths test, and failing.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Also, as an aside, what has everyone so convinced that these people weren't witches?

If by witches, you mean practicers of Wicca or some other animist religion, then absolutely nothing.

If by witches, yuo mean practicers of black arts with actual magical powers, then just about everything! :)

I believe there are many things wrong with believing in a god, or adhearing to organised religion

I just want to point out that those two are entierly different, and for some peculiar and obscure cases, actually contradictory. :)

Theres a big difference to "ramming social advancement down their throats" and trying to bring in slow gradual change through proper education etc. Are we to sit here and do nothing while this goes on for another, what 100... 300... 500 years? Knowing that we have the oppertunity to save lives.

Lets look at it another way, is it wrong for doctors and medical personal from our society to go into Africa and administer drugs for Aids or give basic healthcare? Shouldn't we leave these people in isolation to discover drug treatments and healthcare for themselves?

I have no choice but to concede those particular points. I mean, I could argue them, but I'd be wrong. :)



Active Member
Also, as an aside, what has everyone so convinced that these people weren't witches?

You are actually kidding me, D. You have to be. I cannot reply to you unless you swear down to me that you are SERIOUS to what you just said.


Staff member
You are actually kidding me, D. You have to be. I cannot reply to you unless you swear down to me that you are SERIOUS to what you just said.
Really. What sort of thought beyond "there's no such thing as witches" has anyone really given?

To elaborate: if some advanced alien race was to show up and insist that there were, in fact, witches among us, what would you think?

How is that different from us (as in an average socially advanced 1st world citizen) showing up and telling them there isn't witches among them?


Active Member
One thought comes to mind...WITCHES are something WE have thought up.

D...are you afraid of the witches? What if they are among us...practising? I don't think I could stomach that.....I...I.....oh my god....

Burn them!!!

Frankly your comments insult me.


Active Member
One thing I am also going to say to you D. Is that whatever outrageous thread is made in this forum, you always have a counter attack for, no matter how insanely outrageous the thread may be. If the majoritory of people on the forum agree on the thread, it is gauranteed you have a counter arguement toward.

I would like everyone to double check what they just read and seen here. That you actually have argued against this thread, one that has shown such a brutality against human beings on the basis of something that is so f*cking outrageously stupid it is so unreal I cannot express, and given some glimmer of understanding toward the counter point that frankly, I worry for you.

I also wonder that it may be in your nature to go against anything that anyone says in this forum, to give yourself some kind of prioritory egotism. I hold true to this belief in light of your recent outrageous statemenents.