Also, as an aside, what has everyone so convinced that these people weren't witches?
Ok, so let's pretend for example that they were witches. This makes this abominable act justifiable? Heart for sale. Contact Big D @ THN if interested.
(In all honesty though, I quite enjoy how D plays Devil Advocate all the time, one sided opinionism doesn't do much for debate)
People do many horrible things in the name of God. Wars are fought, acts of terrorism committed, even acts such as these. It seems our generation and indeed, many preceding generations lack a fundamental understanding of what God wants from us (as I see it anyway) Misinterpretation plays a key part in such events. People are able to somehow find within "God's texts" whether it be the Quran or the Bible messages sent by God telling us what to do. The basic incomprehension of the Taliban and similar groups that God favours a certain land mass, and in so doing so, he gives permission to individuals, even encourages them to take action against anyone who harms such a place, be it through propaganda or attack..... The sheer idiocy of such an idea astounds me.
As Jesus once said, "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" people start out with the right intentions... I mean, who wants to believe that this life is all there is, this brief, transient period of existence that is a tiny speck in comparison to the universal lifespan. Think about it, after death, an eternity of nothing. Nothing at all. I do not mean this in a blasphemous way, but the idea of God is perfect for many. Someone you love has just passed away, you don't know where to turn, you don't know if you will ever see them again, but there it is! The answer to all your problems, God!
To my mind, the basic idea of God is a good one. I am not afraid to say that I absolutely 100% believe in God. I'm also a Catholic, and although many people adopt the view that their religions view is the right one, and that every other religion is wrong, I for one, am
"Au Contraire." My belief is that it's how you show you believe in God that is important, the praying, the almsgiving, being a good citizen in general..... I have strayed very far off the point I was trying to make. Bob, as usual, has capitulated very succinctly my sentiments exactly. We ourselves cannot judge these actions, as our ancestors are guilty of similar crimes. How many of these people do you believe to be well educated in the "do"s and "don't"s of western society? By my reckoning, none. Lest we forget less than 70 years ago when Hitler's Nazi regime decimated the majority of the population of Jews in Germany. Lest we forget how America dropped two H-bombs, one in Hiroshima and one in Nagasaki, with an estimated kill count of.....220,000. Do you think America and Germany were educated in these do's and don'ts of western society? I think so, and yet still these atrocities occured. It's easy to look upon these people with contempt, but in truth, we know very little.
In spite of what I have just said, however, the burning of 5 people for "being witches" is still a great humanitarian crisis, which in my opinion needs to be resolved. Such events may occur on a regular basis for all we know, and the individuals who are responsible need to be brought to see the error of their ways.
"To err is human, to forgive is divine."
"To err is human, to arr is pirate."