5 yrs on


Junior Administrator
I can't believe its been five years since this happened
4 min silence

I remember sitting in bio in the 4th yr when it happened we we're all sent back to our boarding houses, the whole school were in their day rooms watching the news avidly in complete shock, one of my best mates dads had been on his way to manhattan that day so was pretty tough. seems only yesterday that it happened yet sooo much had happened since, using this event as controversual leverage.

Was wondering if anyone else can remember where they were, or have any other thoughts. thought it could make a good discussion.


Well-Known Member
I remember walking home from my primary school, and walking into the school where my Mum worked and walking into the Chemicals Room where I waited and everyone was gathered around the radio.


In Cryo Sleep
I was queing up for registration in yr 6 getting ready to go in. Everyone was confused, terrible day....


In Cryo Sleep
I was walking to a friends house in 6th year and then we saw the footage coming from the T.V.

It was a terrible day, and the effects are echoing still today.


Well-Known Member
Surely there's bigger things to do that hang onto past messes?

I'm not saying I condone what they did but there's no need to wallow in the past... =/


Junior Administrator
Meh, what's done is done no? Forgive and forget?

wow how narrow minded, so much for learning from past mistakes. forgiveness i can understand but forgetting i think would be the biggest foolish act anyone could ever do.
how can u so blithely say meh these things happen lets move on.


In Cryo Sleep
Some things are unforgiveable.

I find that untrue, yes this was a terrible day and what these terrorists did was aweful however, I believe that people can forgive, I belive there is nothing unforgivable, even this.

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." (Mahatma Gandhi)

True words that are very hard to accept.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Gibsonfire said:
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." (Mahatma Gandhi)

Gandhi, I believe, was speaking about revenge. In that, I agree wholeheartedly. Sure, if you shoot my dog, then I shoot your dog, we both lack a dog and we're both miserable... and in that state, it's easy to think "hey, how about I shoot your cat too, you (*"&$("$...?" It can be cyclical and, over time, the escalations make a mockery of what may have been a small problem to start with.

However, there is quite a difference between taking revenge and offering forgiveness. I do not intend to take any form of revenge over the terrorist attacks, despite their despicable nature. However, I also do not intend to forget or forgive them either. I find the acts unforgiveable.

To forgive them, for me, would be akin to saying, "Well, I know you've learnt your lesson and you won't do it again, so let's call it quits and move on." The people who enacted the attack on the trade towers are dead. The people who planned it are quite possibly still alive. Have they learnt "hey, perhaps killing loads of innocent people is wrong"? I doubt it. In fact, I feel quite certain that they're waiting for another shot at something equally terrible.

Those people, and their terrorist compadres, I will not forgive and I will not forget. The bad guys must not win and if they can act and then, at some point in the relatively near future, we just say "ah well, that's done and past, we've forgiven you now" then they are winning by abusing (y)our good natures.

I'm not speaking of holding their sons and daughters accountable for their actions, but they are accountable for their actions to the end of their days. I will not forgive them because their actions offend me to my core; I can think of no time that it is acceptable to kill civilians, and that is what they have done, in full knowledge that their actions would do this. They are terrorists and they are despicable and, I believe, they are still out there.

I have not forgotten. I will not forgive them. I find them to be unforgiveable.


Staff member
I think we should also be remembering today as the anniversary of the day 6,000 people in Africa died of AIDS. Same with tomorrow. And the next day.

Fuzzy Bunny

I agree. 3000 people is only a drop in the bucket. The people dying of cancer, AIDs, etc. may not be getting violently murdered, but they're still dying.


Well-Known Member
I may have put my point across rather bluntly, but it still is a valid point.
I personally see this as trolling, holding onto past miseries to bring everyone else down.


In Cryo Sleep
However, there is quite a difference between taking revenge and offering forgiveness. I do not intend to take any form of revenge over the terrorist attacks, despite their despicable nature. However, I also do not intend to forget or forgive them either. I find the acts unforgiveable.

I agree. Although a distinction, I believe, should be made between revenge and just retribution. They should have to answer for these acts. That is of course easier said that done.

Those people, and their terrorist compadres, I will not forgive and I will not forget. The bad guys must not win and if they can act and then, at some point in the relatively near future, we just say "ah well, that's done and past, we've forgiven you now" then they are winning by abusing (y)our good natures.

Let them out of prison without serving their sentence, give them nice comfortable jobs and even install them in your government as respectable members of parliament. No some of us shall never forgive or forget.

One thing that does get me is that it is a remembrance for one terrorist act, however big, held in a country which, like may others, has actively support terrorists in other countries.