50 cent - Should he be banned?


New Member
My sister (12 years old) has worringly just started listening to 50 cents 'music'. Now, i'll try not to be too biased here, but it's hard on this topic, he makes me soooo MAD :mad: . Ok, here goes...

On most of his albums of 'music', theres a little balck and white box saying 'Parental Advisory: Explicit Content'. 2 main problems with this: 1) No parent observes that warning anymore and 2) Most of those cd's are bought, perfectly legally, by kids.

My point is this: Should his lyrics be banned/censored, or should he be banned, or should the law be changed so that you have to be over a certain age to by things like this, similar to films?

(The laws I refer to are British Law and may be different in other countries)


Staff member
or, should parents take an active interest in their kids and what they're doing? censoring lyrics is just stupid imho, what's next, censoring books? what exactly is upsetting you about the lyrics?


New Member
The way that he goes on about being a Gangster is great, how gun-crime is good and the thing that really gets me is the way that he promotes guns! Used properly by the Military they are fine, not glamourous or good, but fine. Out on the streets in the back pocket of a 10 year olds trousers isn't good. And believe Docbot, it happens.

You are right though, parents should take a more active interest in what their kids are doing.


Staff member
well maybe it happens in countries where the gun laws aren't very strict. in sweden there are 10-20 gun killings per year. I do agree however that the kids are influenced by the music. The counter to that is not banning the music, methinks, but show alternatives that influence in another direction. Or just, you know, talk to them?


New Member
Yup, your right again docbot, but their aren't enough people who either care or want to do anything about it. Thats the issue in a lot of the most troubled places in Britain today: no real communiy feeling towards one another.


In Cryo Sleep
The American constitution : every man has the right to bear arms.

its like impossible to take stuff outof the constitution


Taffy I've got to disagree with you here, censoring lyrics or even a song "promoting gun violence" is a bit off. Think of it as the cliff thing, just because someone told you to jump off a cliff, doesn't mean you're going to.

I do own a bit of 50, just because it's dancable music, any music is the same, for example RATM - Pistol Grip Pump "In my civic or in this show biz
I shoot the fool, kill the fool " now obviously at a basic level this song mentions killing those who cross you, do I do it? no..

Censorship in general is a bad thing, if we don't allow our children to witness things (like gun violence, or the dangers of drugs) then how can we hope that they will react in a "preferred" manner when they do come across them.

Finally on the "parental guidance" issue, noticed the PEGI rating on your copy of BF2??


In Cryo Sleep
censoring things is a bit pointless and will never work completely as undoubtedly some underground version of these things will get out. take 'illegal' drugs for example
as people have pointed out parents should take more responsibility of what their kids are doing..

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Gopha said:
its like impossible to take stuff outof the constitution

I don't think that's true. I believe it's possible to propose an amendment to the constitution. It's just that the gun lobby is unlikely to let that one pass...

Fuzzy Bunny

SgtSafety said:
50 Cent Sucks!!
Agreed :)
I don't like rap music much, but there is some good stuff in the genre. I've heard that the older songs are some of the best, but I've never had the interest to dig through all the garbage.


New Member
Fi$hy said:
Taffy I've got to disagree with you here, censoring lyrics or even a song "promoting gun violence" is a bit off. Think of it as the cliff thing, just because someone told you to jump off a cliff, doesn't mean you're going to.

I wasn't actually suggesting censorship or anything like that, I was merely interested in peoples opinions on the subject. Nor did I say that this type of 'music' is the sole cause of gun crime or gang culture, I said that it is one of the factors leading to it.

As for the BF2 issue... well, it's just as bad watching the news and seeing soldiers in combat. There isn't even any blood!


New Member
Gopha said:
yer they should ahve blood lol, btw every1 Taffy skived another day lol! only joking m8

Yeah well this week has been quite bizarre... I had Monday to Wednesday off with a recurring neck injury, then went into school on Thursday, managed half a lesson and found myself barking up in the loos. Went home and haven't eaten since...

The weirdest thing is that I feel absolutely fine, maybe a little bit queasy, until I eat something. Then I feel sick. No headache, sore throat or anything else, just a bad tummy :(