50 cent - Should he be banned?


In Cryo Sleep
50 cent is quite the exemplary moron, for instance he thanked "Marketing" for winning the mtv music awards, i mean your fans deserve a little credit.

50 cent however makes money from an image, he is selling to an audience that admires alpha leadership (getting angry and being quite cocky) and you cant really do that by saying "i like to pick flowers by the river, and if you get in my way i will have to right a pleaseant yet firm letter to my local MP telling of how you have grievously insulted my honour"

Its just how he sells his stuff, just because he has no talent, no brain, no real lyrical ability and a hardcore fanbase of gun nutts dosent mean you can ban him.

Marolyn manson (i dont know how to spell it) insults religion all the time, effectively putting a bias towards particular opinions and actions that may influence the impressionable minds of children and he dosent get banned right?


In Cryo Sleep
Pestcontrol said:
People are stupid, live with it.

Indeed. Running along the same kind of vein, Phatbambi, why do you always sign your posts with pHatBambi? Its not as if we cant see your name at the top of the post. That kind of nonsense really does my box in.


In Cryo Sleep
Tetsuo_Shima said:
Indeed. Running along the same kind of vein, Phatbambi, why do you always sign your posts with pHatBambi? Its not as if we cant see your name at the top of the post. That kind of nonsense really does my box in.

ooooo thats some harsh stuff lol only jkin


Probably a mark of courtacy, such as you might sign a email or PM, occasionally with a "cheers" "thanks" or "regards" prefix.

I personally also use it when it's a post asking for something (such as attendance) or when it's addressed to a lot of people.

It might also appear else where, such as when there's a "I've done this and that" thread such as the kind made by Ronin when he's made a change.

Finally it might even appear on the end of a personal request, like "stop with the flaming"

Fi$hy :p


In Cryo Sleep
Regardless, its still driving me in-sane. Fair enough if, like you said, he was announcing something. For example, announcing that we have come top of our leage in BF2 and congratulating us on promotion *cough* but at the END of EVERY single POST? Overkill, overkill!

Bambi, Id like to hear your side of this ground-shattering dispute.


In Cryo Sleep
In contrast to my cultural pessimism in the previous post. There is actually some reason to 50cent and the scene as a whole. Extravagance is what happens when people suddenly become rich and famous, without having time to consider the moral implications of everything. Take lottery winners for another good example. This is what the target audience, the black population in america, sees and being mostly poor themselves, it is what they want. It's not new either, the stereotypical pimps come from blaxploitation movies.

And of course, there's a lot of show to it, too. Record companies know very well what sells, and the things you see are orchestrated by much more than the mind of the artist alone. I wonder what a man like 50c would be like, if i met him in person, under four eyes, void of any masks he may be wearing for the public.

Why people here like it even though they're just about the exact opposite of the target audience, is beyond me.


In Cryo Sleep
Gopha said:
The American constitution : every man has the right to bear arms.

its like impossible to take stuff outof the constitution

as part of an official militia. As militias can be formed by any elected official, including the librarian in some states, this isn't saying much :)


In Cryo Sleep
you cant really say that 50 cent and the gay unit... i mean G unit are promoting guns because some mosher and emo songs are promoting killing yourself lol, so really its just a case of dont listen to what you dont like


New Member
Pubic_Warior said:
you cant really say that 50 cent and the gay unit... i mean G unit are promoting guns because some mosher and emo songs are promoting killing yourself lol, so really its just a case of dont listen to what you dont like

I don't like Emos either, but I chose 50 cent because he reaches a wider audience and because he's a f*****g w****r! (sorry about the bad language)


Yes, I agree (or at least I think I agree with what you're saying :p )
Just because a song tells you something, doesn't mean you'll do it.
Take The Prodigy and "Smack my Bitch up" am I going to? ---- no (if my bitch is Bambi, it's another matter :p )

So therefore, there's no such-thing as promoting gun-violence unless the audience is receptive towards it. Meaning that blaming 50-cent for promoting violence is stupid, blaming his fans for being of the mentality to want guns to be promoted to them - differant matter.

Finally, if you're not of the type that gun-violence appeals too, I wouldn't worry about the message, and if the music doesn't appeal, then don't listen :p


I can't help but notice the parallels between this argument and the ones that have been raised in America on the subject of 'Violent Video-games'tm.

The US media seems to have driven itself into a frenzy that computer games involving violence can actually instigate the users to carry out improbable and extreme acts, as if on the basis that children can be manipulated by something they see on a screen. This is the exact argument i've seen used for 50 cent's music, that the spoken word can incite violence in impressionable youngsters. However I believe it is not so much the lyrics portrayed within, but specific factions and bands in Rap and Hip Hop music have lot to answer for in the overall image they represent.

Whilst the escapism of sexy ladies and fast cars is easy to deal with, certain groups seem eager to press the more 'hardcore' aspects of street culture to gain their audience - such as drug use and gun crime. Now don't get me wrong, i'm not reverting to the age old 'get told something and you'll do it' argument, what I am saying is that constant references to such things, be it in the media or in music, are encouraging the acceptability of weapons and drugs on the street and in society. The gangsta rap posse for example, can often assert the role of guns as status symbols, as objects, and falsely represent the credibility that goes with the owner of such an item, sometimes describing it as the definition of manhood - and therefore another form of inviting peer pressure

This is where my real problem lies though, not the message behind rap but the almost retina searing collection of images and influences we're subjected to on a daily basis, for which the blame does not lie solely on music and the solution is not based the censorship and removal of anything that offends us. The true blame lies in our society, its structure and the current trends and fads. The current celebrity culture is mis-representing almost everything that should be important with what shouldn't be, too much stock is placed upon beauty and 'get rich quickness' and not enough upon what really makes the world tick. In such a world, it can be difficult to find your way - to carve your niche in a normal place when you're always being told fame is one step away. As a result, I find it easy to believe that individuals begin to become confused with what is really going on - taking what is essentially a rapper's fairly innocuous and exaggerated life-story told in music and taking it as gospel, following someone else and instead of creating their own identity and resorting to media accepted ways of gaining recognition and 'cool'.

If you look deep enough, anything carries a message, it's just that rap music's isn't too hard to find - it's the obvious thing to blame for screwing up our kids at this moment in time. I can't deny that Rap music can sometimes carry an aggressive message - but I do believe that the media should take responsibility for something that they are also repsonsible for maintaining and encouraging in equal measure.