Account Security: READ THIS NOW


In Cryo Sleep
Just one word of warning regarding Google Chrome - it does NOT contain any sort of cross-scripting attack protection, and quite a fair bit of wow-related sites are frequently victims of related attacks. If you get it, make sure to get appropriate add-ins, as its "bare bones" nature has, unfortunately, led to the exclusion of many security measures from its native components.

tl;dr - if you cba to get javascript / redirection blocking add-ins, screw chrome, get safari or firefox.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

If a hole appears in your boat and you're unwilling to plug it

Er... no. I can accept that it's a bit of a rinky-dinky boat. I'm asking how to plug this hole that's cropped up and you're saying don't bother, just change boats. Well, some people can't change boats.

I'm with Big D, anyway. Consciencious updating will go a looong way towards (at least semi-)securing IE.



Junior Administrator
Hoy, :)

I'm with Big D, anyway. Consciencious updating will go a looong way towards (at least semi-)securing IE.


That, and only going to the mainstream "trusted" sites for WoW-related or in fact anything related stuff


Well-Known Member
IE isn't -as- bad as it used to be, but why ever settle for the less secure option just because "it's not quite as bad as it used to be"? Seriously, drop the defense of IE and get one of the three other browsers if you haven't already, there's literally no point in sticking with IE.


Staff member
Except, as already demonstrated in this thread, there are situations where you don't have the choice.


Was this thread inspired by me?

But seriously. Don't get hacked. I lost my account with 4-5 level 80's. It hurts, and now all I got is my level 6 hunter in your wonderful presence.


New Member
Except, as already demonstrated in this thread, there are situations where you don't have the choice.

Indeed, but I am trying the 'Huung' way now :P
I installed Chrome and demanded that they atleast tried it... Let's see what happens :O


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Just in case someone missed this one:

Don't log on to the WoW forums on public computers!

WoW forums use the same password as your account, alas, something which beffudles me greatly.

You can't trust a public computer to not be harvesting passwords.

(Naturally, you shouldn't log on to anything using public computers, but hey, people are people...)



Junior Administrator
Hoy, :)

Just in case someone missed this one:

Don't log on to the WoW forums on public computers!

WoW forums use the same password as your account, alas, something which beffudles me greatly.

You can't trust a public computer to not be harvesting passwords.

(Naturally, you shouldn't log on to anything using public computers, but hey, people are people...)


I got hacked that way by using my work computer at the time to log in to the WoW forums - my work computer had a flash vulnerability exploited and from there it was game over :/

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
After I reinstalled my PC, I went what must have been a couple of months with just AVG installed, obviously a big mistake which has been rectified, but when I finally got myself protected, I had no viruses, I hadn't been hacked etc.

The two points being: Not only is AVG probably the best thing you're going to get, but browse sensibly. I'm not being funny here, but two months unprotected?

Unfortunately, at the other end of the scale, my friend who I know isn't stupid online, using AVG, Spybot, and COMODO Firewall (my recommended firewall) managed to catch a nasty virus recently, which I had to come and fix. :/

It's slightly dependent on just luck in my opinion, but browsing safely is a huge part of online security. Everyone here is intelligent enough to know this, but I think the same of some of my friends, who still to this date, somehow catch unbelievable viruses, and get hacked.

To finish: Follow this thread, be sensible, and you should be fine. If you don't follow Ari's guidelines without a legit reason, (that isn't laziness), you deserve it. (I'm not being funny, just being honest.)

I do still love you all, honest,
Dr Drae


Well-Known Member
I'm on my DMZ, don't use a firewall, anti-virus, or any anti-spyware programs atm. No problems with hacking - ever. Just don't follow any links you aren't 110% sure of, get a decent spam filter on your email so you're not even tempted to open "realistic" links etc.
A little common sense goes a long way.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
I'm on my DMZ, don't use a firewall, anti-virus, or any anti-spyware programs atm. No problems with hacking - ever. Just don't follow any links you aren't 110% sure of, get a decent spam filter on your email so you're not even tempted to open "realistic" links etc.
A little common sense goes a long way.

My point exactly.


Staff member
There hasn't been one recently, but if that's your setup you'll be in trouble the next time there's a self-propigating worm...