Aion - Second Impressions


Well-Known Member
Continuation of first thread..


So last night I chose which class I wanted (you pick one of two at level 10, depending on your starting class) and I opted for gladiator which is a plate wearing melee dps class with the ability to offtank. I was taken to the capitol (Pandemonium) and completed my ascencion quest. A short cinematic (If I'm honest, it was a little underwhelming) and voila; wings! Also got a nice present from my trainer, a shiny 2h sword which does a lot of damage.

I was surprised that there was no immediate option to fly and a tutorial on it. Instead, you then get sent to the next zone and it's there that you get a little "?" popping up explaining flight. Oh I forgot to mention, there is an in-game tutorial, similar in concept to wow's but we have moving pictures and audio to explain things easier. The tutorial can be turned off of course.


Controls are easy enough. Since you bind ascend, descend, flight and landing on keys I was thinking "this is going to be a nightmare". But thankfully once you've taken off, you can use mouselook to steer any direction you please. Similar to wow flying, but you don't turn "instantly", you turn naturally, so your avatar turns to face the direction rather than snapping to it. You can "sidestep" mid air, and you can still autorun.

You start with the ability to fly for a minute, and receive a warning when you are running out of time. The flight bar recharges at a decent enough speed. I am led to beleive that flight times and possibly flight bar recharge times improve as you level, with items, and by pvp'ing end game thus improving your wings via ranking.

One gripe about flying so far is if you run forwards, jump into the air and hit flight, it doesn't continue momentum (which lets face it would be awesome), but rather stops dead mid-air for the wings to unfurl. I'm not sure if it then commences autorun after the wings are out, as I was being impatient and pressing buttons when my movement stopped. Will test this later. Also I think I am probably "doing it wrong" as I've seen vids of people jumping off cliffs then gliding without said momentum stoppage. Could be I am hitting "take off" instead of "glide", will try tonight and update accordingly.

Edit: You can glide from running without losing momentum but only works well when gliding from high ground to low. Not found a way to take off and fly upwards without the loss of momentum.

Also I sometimes have issues with the camera refusing to turn around when I hold LMB, whilst gathering. Using RMB works fine, I guess this might be a mini-bug.

Flight combat

I don't think you're expected to do this a lot at the early level, given the short flight time. However, there's nothing to stop you unfurling your wings to do ground combat; advantageous to do so in my case as I get a passive 10% strength bonus whilst flying. One flaw I found (or perhaps it's by design) was that depending on your angle and height, the mob flees. I need to try this out a bit more to work out if I'm flying too high etc.

Combat so far doesn't feel overly different to what it did without wings. But that's no bad thing, I have to say combat in Aion feels more natural and enjoyable than most mmo's. I'll have to try a caster as well to say if the same rings true.


Thought I'd talk a bit about the capitol. It's very much a case of exploring if you want to and trying things out. On the map there are colour coded sections pointing you in the right direction for merchants, training, tradeskills etc. so you're never completely lost. I haven't found a way to ask for directions, but haven't really needed to as things seem to be in logical places. e.g. All the trainers are in the one temple. Unsurprisingly I found the auction house and bank in what is labelled "gold temple". I found various tradeskills to try (covered in a later section). Pandemonium is a very large, well presented city, and for some reason loads in about a 10th of the time it takes me to load Dalaran in wow. As always I have at least one gripe; you can't fly here! I guess they have their reasons. Also a gripe Solemn found: Apparently you can only mail one item at a time unless we are missing something.

Found somethng out about the bank (called warehouse in this game): there are several slots which are shared across your account. So you can effectively trade anything you want across your own players. So far everything in the game has been bind on equip, not sure if that changes later. And if an item is soulbound, not sure if you can put it into these slots. I shall of course try it out.. ;)


I'm very much new to these and who knows, at higher levels it could end up being one of those games that makes you cry with tradeskill failures (because yes you can fail and yes the mats do go poof). But so far I'm enjoying it. I've picked cooking and alchemy. As far as I'm aware there are no limits to which skills you take, but you can only reach mastery in two.

There seems to be a common theme with all tradeskills. You find the main NPC, and he always has an optional quest associated with the tradeskill - worth doing as the reward is a recipe. He will train you for a fee. And he will offer you work. The latter is quite awesome because you can basically skill up without leaving the town. e.g. The first work order you get will be to craft x items, and you'll be given the reagents. Should you fail, drop the quest and start again - bear in mind you are gaining skill points for free. Once you reach a skill of 10, the next highest work order will be available (as well as the first one, which remember, is free if you want a few more skill points). The second work order onwards do have a cost associated because they provide the main set of reagent but then you must purchase something e.g. on cooking I had to buy some salt to cook up some clams.

You can of course skill up from your own recipes too. In alchemy I've not yet found all the mats but am able to make healing potions if I want. In cooking I've made a plethora of fried fish and clams. Yey statfuds! However, work orders seem to have another purpose; sometimes you are given a new recipe as a reward. Having not found another way to get recipes, I suspect quest rewards, work order rewards, or auction house are your options.

Edit: You can also buy reipes from the vendor in the same room.. didn't realise they ahve multiple tabs/categories.. do'h! thanks to Solemn for finding this.

I should also mention there seems to be a chance of creating a higher quality version of the item you are crafting; when making food I ended up with a seperate stack of better quality food which lasted longer. This is fine for cooking but for smithing I suspect it would lead to players only buying the higher quality items, or being reluctant to pay much for standard quality. We shall see.

There is a singular room for each tradeskill, and animated tables that you use to cook/brew/craft/whatever. Each room has it's own music. I have to say it's a lot of fun standing there cooking with eggs and stuff bouncing around all over.. you actually feel like you are cooking. Your avatar whips out a frying pan, chucks salt into it and generally seems to be enjoying herself. Attention to detail like this is what I really like about the game so far.


Gathering professions are not trained, you start off with a basic one and when you evolve you gain a further one (allowing you to gather essence from mid air). I'm still learning but as far as I'm aware there's stuff all over for you to pick up. I found clams, fishies in the sea, plants, ore, stuff in the sky. All there for the taking. When you mouseover one, it tells you what skill is needed to get it. Your gathering skills raise as you use them. And each node can be used 2-4 times, for multiple items and if you are lucky multiple skillups. You don't have to worry about carrying a pickaxe, or swiss army knife, you just right click and gather stuff.

New Summary

Aion must be doing something right because I can't wait to play tonight.. even though I know my character will be wiped I'm having so much fun :)

Impossible to know if it's going to have as much longetivity as wow or what end game is like, or even how grouping works but right now I can hapilly say I want to level up several characters and tradeskills. Because it's fun to play, which is really the main point of any game; right?

My next update will cover grouping and instances, as I haven't really encountered them yet.


Active Member
Great post, keep 'em coming! :) I got a little apprehensive about the game, as many many MANY people get a lot of bugs and gameguard (whatever you call it - the antihack system) issues - so many, actually, that Steam offered refund on the preorders unless these are fixed... Also I heard people saying it's too childish and nothing new. But with this praise coming from you I believe it's safe to assume the game is pretty good :) I most likely won't preorder and hence get into the beta, but I might very well get the game after release :)

P.S. For you folks in UK, apparently it's possible to hit the local GAME store, pay 2pounds, get an Aion DVD case with a beta key and by this actually preorder the thing.


Well-Known Member
Great post, keep 'em coming! :) I got a little apprehensive about the game, as many many MANY people get a lot of bugs and gameguard (whatever you call it - the antihack system) issues - so many, actually, that Steam offered refund on the preorders unless these are fixed... Also I heard people saying it's too childish and nothing new. But with this praise coming from you I believe it's safe to assume the game is pretty good :) I most likely won't preorder and hence get into the beta, but I might very well get the game after release :)

P.S. For you folks in UK, apparently it's possible to hit the local GAME store, pay 2pounds, get an Aion DVD case with a beta key and by this actually preorder the thing.

Well, it's no more childish than wow in terms of no blood, gore, violence or swearing..

The comments are probably from people who think the appearance of certain NPC's is for kids. There are little otter type creatures that sell cube upgrades, I just think they're cute :p Main population is human.

Oh I forgot to mention cubes.. they are what we use for bag space. The idea is they are small on the outside but can fit anything inside; makes more sense than the concept of carrrying 6 large bags filled with armour! You pay for cube upgrades i.e. more bag space. You start with I think it was 27 slots. Weird number!

I had one gameguard issue in over 12 hours of gameplay; when I first launched the game 5 mins in it kicked me out. No issues since then. I've also had one non-gameguard related crash. tbh wow crashes frequently for me! Plus I'm running windows 7..


New Member
Personally I have noticed the game to be be buggy on occasion.. but this is my first time really playing a mmo from the very beginning, and.. its a beta, so I would expect there to be a few bugs here and there.

as for silks description of the game thus far, i have to say she is right on the money, although, talking about money... be prepared o pay for everything! the flights, the teleporting.. its all rather expensive. Also when you die (not something silk might have experince in, but I have plenty) you will need to visit the Soul healer, and spend a stupid about of money healing your soul! not exactly sure what this heals, maybe returns XP? will look tonight.


Well-Known Member
Personally I have noticed the game to be be buggy on occasion.. but this is my first time really playing a mmo from the very beginning, and.. its a beta, so I would expect there to be a few bugs here and there.

as for silks description of the game thus far, i have to say she is right on the money, although, talking about money... be prepared o pay for everything! the flights, the teleporting.. its all rather expensive. Also when you die (not something silk might have experince in, but I have plenty) you will need to visit the Soul healer, and spend a stupid about of money healing your soul! not exactly sure what this heals, maybe returns XP? will look tonight.

Aye; a portion of your xp bar greys out when you die. The healer restores it. You don't have to pay for it, but if you're like me it will annoy you so you'll do it anyway ;)

As for things being expensive.. they aren't. It just feels that way because there's only one currency in the game. e.g. in wow if everything only cost copper, you'd be paying hundreds or thousands for your flight paths too ;) But yeah I agree it's a bit poo how everything costs money, even teleporting from one end of the city to the other.

Not found that many bugs myself; most of the time it's me being a newb when I think something isn't working right. I have had one gathering node not work though, but that's no worse than the occasional loot bug in wow. btw the game isn't actually a beta as it's been out in korea since 2006. I suppose the transition to English might have introduced new bugs though (it's not just a case of translating text).


Heard from a person in the Beta (And who reviwed it for the company who owns World of War) that its a grind game *shrug*


Well-Known Member
Heard from a person in the Beta (And who reviwed it for the company who owns World of War) that its a grind game *shrug*

Not done any grinding yet, just quests which are levelling me at the correct speed for the next zone.

Maybe it changes? Will keep you posted.

btw grinding in my mind, is not having any means of levelling other than killing things over and over. Only game I ever played like that was dark age of camelot.


Active Member
I got a key for free, yay! PM me if you want one as well, I'll tell you how to do it.

Silk, Solemn, see you guys in game! :D

*happy dance*



Staff member
btw grinding in my mind, is not having any means of levelling other than killing things over and over. Only game I ever played like that was dark age of camelot.
I would extend that definition. I can think of plenty of games where you grind for materials, money, standings, whatever -- not specifically leveling. And not always killing things, but that would be the most common.


Well-Known Member
I would extend that definition. I can think of plenty of games where you grind for materials, money, standings, whatever -- not specifically leveling. And not always killing things, but that would be the most common.

Or you might say when it stops being fun and starts being a chore, it's a grind ;)


Staff member
Nah, that's when you stop playing.

Grinding for XP and drops in Guildwars, for instance, I find to be enjoyable.


Active Member
Silk, are you guys Abyssals or the good guys? I got Angelic up and running, on the good side :) Your server of course.


Active Member
right, the spooky folk. Well, the game told me i cant create asmodean on this server, so i went with the elyseans. Whatever, its just a beta :) also, i like what i see, will comment more later when i get back home from this gig im at.


Active Member
Riiight, from my experience as lvl15 Chanter:

  • There's about as much grinding as in, say, WoW. You have to kill stuff, yes, but there's a lot of delivery, escort and even reconnassaince (spelling?) quests. If you - later in the game - need some particular item for a particular craft or somesuch and don't want to buy it off AH, then of course you'll need to grind, but that's pretty much the same as anywhere else.
  • The graphics are beautiful, spell effects are rich but not overwhelming, the capitol of the Elyseans (spelling?) is a MARVEL floating in the sky. Seriously, it's one of the most beautiful things I've seen in games so far.
  • Solo combat, from what I can judge, is pretty fluent. The chains Silk talked of are important and pretty much define your class - for instance I as a Chanter have (or, more like, WILL have) chains that proc off Parry and possibly melee crit, so that's what I'll stack. Most spells have some cooldown so that and chaining them together is what you'll have to think of more than manacost. Combat is pretty tough, actually, maybe not for other classes but I found myself healing up and even chugging potions when I got a single unwanted add.
  • Groups can have up to 6 members. Group combat is pretty much the same as anywhere else - tank, healer, dpses. I don't know so far how does threat/aggro management work, more on that later, hopefully. Elites hurt pretty bad, even on platers. I didn't really experience THAT much group "instance" combat, ony like half an hour and it was pretty confused, people died and stuff.
  • On the note of instances, there are none, as far as I can undestand. There are areas, in which elites are and therefore you need to bring a group. These are not, however, separated from the normal world by any instance portal or somesuch. If you seek more secluded gameplay then, you need to swap into another "channel" - much like in Age of Conan I am told (never played it myself). Basically the whole world population is divided into 20 Channels and you can phase between these whenever you want (out of combat and not within 3 minutes of using a teleport). Even if you swap into another channel, though, you're likely to meet another group in the "elite" area, though. I really must look into this more later.
  • Crafting! It is there and it seems quite well done to me. You pay a fee for acquiring a new crafting skill. Then you need to start purchasing recipes and skilling them up. One thing to note is, you can't use your skill (alchemy, cooking...) anywhere, but only in places that have the required tools - alchemy table, cooking oven etc - which, from what I saw, is pretty much only the capitol. Anyway, there are the work orders Silk mentioned - useful for skilling up as you receive the mats, process them, get skill points and then hand them in for a little reward. Every recipe requires some vendor-bought materials, so skilling up not via these work orders can get quite expensive, but then again some of these work orders require you to go places, hunt stuff etc, so it's a dilemma really :)
  • Gear! All gear is either freely tradeable, or Bind on Equip. So that's good. All but the really starting gear has sockets for manastones (=gems). When you socket more than one gem into one piece of gear, you have a chance of failing and therefore destroying ALL the manastones you already socketed into said piece of gear. Happened to me and that's bad :(
  • Stats! There are stats, but there's no mouseover that would show you what does that particular stat do, neither in percents nor in general (e.i. you can't mouseover your Evasion to see how much dodge/parry does it give you). That's pretty suckful, especially considering most people are new to the game now and don't have a clue what does what do behind what's common sense. I guess this can be found across the internet, but having the possibility ingame seems vital to me. More theorycrafting like in WoW, please! (I LIKE it!)
  • EVERYTHING costs money :( That's pretty bad. Even binding your "hearthstone" to a new place costs money. Even teleporting to the capitol (Sanctum) costs money, even though there's literally no other way of getting there. I guess it's not all that bad, though, there will be enough money later in the game and I bought some unneccessary armor instead of waiting for it to drop off something...
  • Flying is AWESOME. You have a key to "take off", "rise", "fall", "land" and "glide". In some zones you can't fly, in some you can - this varies in between regular outdoors levelling zones too. You can "glide" anytime though, so no death by falling, really. Like Silk said, you can't run, jump and take off without losing momentum, but you can run, jump, glide without losing momentum. You can't take off from gliding, though - maybe because regular jump doesn't give you enough starting altitude - you can stop gliding mid-air is you started gliding up high and rise again. It really will take more time getting used to, but I love flying :) Too bad it has the 1min exhaustion bar :( It does recharge fairly quickly, though, so you will get to play with it enough :)
  • Can't think of anything else right now and I gotta do some translating anyway, so talk to you folks later!
