Couple of trailers for Mass Effect 2 (yep, looking back a little). If you're very sensitive to spoilers, it's possible that either might tell you a bit too much. I'd pretty twitchy about spoilers, though, and didn't feel that either gave too much away.
The first is an official BioWare trailer that, of all the various ME2 trailers, was easily my favourite. I love the soundtrack.
The second is a fan-made trailer for Mass Effect 2. I usually don't rate fan-made stuff but this is at the same level as the official trailer and, arguably, superior.
The first is an official BioWare trailer that, of all the various ME2 trailers, was easily my favourite. I love the soundtrack.
The second is a fan-made trailer for Mass Effect 2. I usually don't rate fan-made stuff but this is at the same level as the official trailer and, arguably, superior.