Any injuries?


In Cryo Sleep
Hey guys,

Just a bit bored and stuff today so I thought I'd be all topical (what with poor old Owen doing his knee) and start a thread asking if you've had any serious injuries?

How did they occur? How long did they take to heal? Did you get any credit for being a hardarse mother with a broken leg who had to walk 2 miles down a mountainside etc...

I for one have never had any serious external injuries to my body. A minor cut that required 3 stitches was inflicted when I snapped a toliet flush handle but that's all.

My worst injury however is was when I got hit in the mouth by a hockey ball in middle school. It smashed my two front teeth in half. They both died and have had to be root canal treated (nerve roots removed and the cavity filled with metal) and replaced with crowns (metal false teeth coated with porcelain).

This is an injury that will last me my whole life and will be quite costly if any problems arise.

Kudos scale 4/10. Really not a great one to brag about unfortunately and girls don't go for the gappy teeth look when the crowns fall off. :(


In Cryo Sleep
aaaahhhhh man thats unlucky. well my worst one is very embarrasing, I was running and jumped on a chair which co-incidently moved when I jumped on it, flipped over bout twice and landed on a speaker (yes a theatre speaker , Ow the pain) I jared my knee and its still jarred to this day :(


Junior Administrator
Staff member
They both sound painful....... :(

I am a little bit accident prone, the worst was when I was playing footie in the sports hall in 6th Form. Went for a tackle right next to a wall, unfortunately my top half of my foot hit the wall my heel hit the floor and my Big toe snapped.

Problem was I didn't realise so when the gym teacher sent me home (after checking it and saying it was nothing), I stupidly hobbled my normal route (which is about 3/4hr walk) then caught the bus home. My parents took me to the hospital then and I got outfitted with a plaster and crutches. I then had to get to school each day after on crutches by bus (since my parents wouldn't give me a lift). Plus the sixth form was on the 2nd floor with no lift :)

Very character building :D


In Cryo Sleep
Oohh. They both sound pretty bad. Certainly made me cringe.

Good stories though keep them coming. :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've never had a serious injury.

I broke the first finger on my left hand walking down a corridor (at home) and grabbing for a door frame to pull myself round... just must have stabbed my hand at the wall too sharply because that was pretty painful. Stopped my playing piano for a bit but I seem to have recovered completely.

I've broken my little toes, as a child, twice or three times for each foot, but they really didn't hurt that much; just had me off sports for a few weeks.

I've been punch drunk, literally, while kickboxing. Hit solidly in the side of my head with a beautiful roundhouse kick, but I was wearing a headguard (as you do when kickboxing) so aside from the mad chuckles for a few minutes it was all okay.

No cuts, no major breaks, nothing more serious than a week or so of bruising, usually inflicted from an activity I chose to involve myself in... used to fight with homemade wooden weapons at a friend's house (Haven will remember :) ). I remember going into something akin to a blood rage after being hit full in the chest with a thrown wooden spear; leastways the guy who flung the spear scampered away across the roof tops of broken barns at a fair ol' speed to escape me. :D That said, that probably did less surface damage than the paintball my brother planted on my chest from around five feet away...


My worst injury has also been my most embarrassing. When I was about 12 I fell out of bed … and broke my collar bone!

Surprisingly enough my parents were less than sympathetic when I managed to negotiate my way through to their bedroom and woke them up at 2 in the morning to tell them that I’d fallen out of bed and hurt my arm. I just had to go back to bed and lie in pain for the rest of the night! When I couldn’t get up the next morning they realised that there was actually something wrong with me, and took me up to the hospital, where I had to explain to all the Nurses and the Doctor that no, it was just a normal bed not a bunk-bed that I’d fallen out of! Also, this happened right at the beginning of the school summer holiday, so it buggered that up that for me!

The only other thing that I've done is slipped in the playground while playing Rounders, and chipped the corners off my front 2 teeth. Other than that I think I've just been lucky!


In Cryo Sleep
Ive had quite a few injuries, but luckily nothing terribly bad.

The first I recall was when I dropped a full kettle of boiling water over my foot when I was only a kiddlywink (maybe 2-3). I had to go to hospital for that. Next was when I broke a couple of my toes when I dropped a coping stone (the big, long, pointy stones that people put on top of their garden walls) onto my foot and smashed it up. That was another hospital visit.

My next inury that I remember was when I was cycling round Millport one year, without a helmet :), and absent-mindedly ran my front tire into my dad's rear tire, which isn't a great idea. My tire rode right up my dads and then jarred, throwing me over the handlebars into a spectacular somersault (I'm talking olympic material here) and then landing square on my napper. I was very lucky, and only got a big big cut on my head (but I did have to visit the hospital again :()

Recently, Ive not had too many bad injuries. The odd bend and twist and clatter here and there, but nothing terrible. The most painful was probably when I jumped off a rock in Millport (yes, again) and forgot to bend my knee when I landed. My ankle bone rattled straight into my foot and caused the most godawful pain. It felt like someone had smashed a sledgehammer into the bottom of my leg where it connects to the foot. A few weeks limping around after that one.

Thats pretty much all I have to offer.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot. While we're on the subject of teeth smashing, I was riding on a skateboard face-forward once (bloody stupid, I know) before the damn thing jammed on a pavement crack and mashed my mouth into the ground, cracking my incisor. The dentist did a bang up job of it though, hardly noticeable.

Oh, and here's a good one: A bit of advice for you, 'If you have chosen a club you are going to finish up in, make sure it doesnt have stairs at the entrance.' Whilst I was on holiday in Greece, one night after the Baywatch Party (loads of semi naked ladys and plenty of drink) we all decided to meet up in the Wackabout club which, incidentally, has one of those metal-frame type stairways to get into (Wackabout was positioned on top of another club). Anyway, about five thousand Sambucas later, the bouncer literally chucked me out of the place, all the way down the stairs where I promptly passed out. I woke up the next morning with sore teeth, shoulders, elbows and a massive lump on my leg. It was great fun though.


Last night....

Out training with the lifeguards off Southsea beach in Skis (Open top, one person canoe)

Pretty rough weather, with a Force 6/7 wind (for those sailors among you) so pretty large waves.

Misjudged my landing, capsized and the next wave knocked the kayack into my knee, it's all lovely and swolen now

The upside, got to wear trainers into college today!


It seems that everyone else seems to have all the fun when it comes to injuries...

I've never broken a single bone in my life, the only things that have ever happened to me that could even be considered mildly serious are sprains and the like - although I share the knackered teeth connection with you all!

The injury in question was during a school basketball session a year or two ago - someone absolutely powered a shot right at my index and middle fingers which bent them both right back, painful, but not too serious (although I did have to wear a support for a while).

As for the teeth, when I was about 6 or so, my family all used to go to Devon for holidays. Now, I was sat on the beach whilst my dad and brother went out rowing in a dinghy, then when I looked back, they'd disappeared! I told my mum, who was sunbathing, who promptly sat up and elbowed me in the mouth because I'd startled her, leaving me with a small chunk of my lower incisor missing (although it's not so bad now). To rub it in, my dad and brother came back after a few minutes with beaming smiles as they'd had a whole load of fun, whilst all I had was a strange stabbing sensation in my teeth.

Apart from that, it's just scrapes and cuts for me - although my best friend was not best pleased when he was walking around on the school field and a thrown stone smacked him right in the mouth. I was standing next to him at the time and the cut was pouring out blood, as I'm pretty sure the cut went right through his top lip.


In Cryo Sleep
Hmmm, I once had my heart broken. Will it ever heal?

Nah, only joking :).

The worst thing happened when I was a youngster, playing kiss chase in the playground during the bitter winter months. I slipped, landed on my face and skidded for a few feet. Scraped half of it off, resulting in an uber scab and a beautiful munchkin :). When it happened the nun came out to see what was going on, said I was fine and told me to get on with it! Bloody nuns :eek:. Anyhoo, I couldn't sleep on that side of me head for a couple of months, but I'm all better now and can no longer beat Batman as Two-Face.


In Cryo Sleep
Piacular said:
Hmmm, I once had my heart broken. Will it ever heal?

Nah, only joking :).

The worst thing happened when I was a youngster, playing kiss chase in the playground during the bitter winter months. I slipped, landed on my face and skidded for a few feet. Scraped half of it off, resulting in an uber scab and a beautiful munchkin :). When it happened the nun came out to see what was going on, said I was fine and told me to get on with it! Bloody nuns :eek:. Anyhoo, I couldn't sleep on that side of me head for a couple of months, but I'm all better now and can no longer beat Batman as Two-Face.

Boys school by any chance :p


Junior Administrator
Heh... where to start?

I have had the top of my right index finger chopped off and sewn back on, my nose broken, my left arm broken, my left leg broken and my right ankle broken aswell.

1) The finger happened when I was just two years old, so thankfully I can't remember it, but when I asked my mum if she knew why I had a scar on my right index finger (it is slightly malformed) she told me that the top of it got cut off (apart from a bit of skin) when it got caught in the way of a very large and heavy window that my mum was closing.

2) The nose happened when I was 7. Was having a race up and down the playground at school with a friend of mine, looked to the side to see where he was, and I was ahead! Looked back round, and went SMACK, nose first straight into the chest of another friend of mine, who for a 7 year old was very well built. I bounced off, landed on my back (the back of my head bounced on the concrete a few times) and then proceeded to cry my eyes out for the next 10 mins. Got taken to the nurse who sent me home, got taken up to hospital where I had to have an operation to straighten my nose up and got 3 weeks off school! (yay!). To this day I have no bone in my nose. Which comes in handy when beered up chavs decide it's a fun idea to throw a nearly full can of beer into your face... but that's a different story.

3) My arm I did while playing football when I was 10. I was the goalie, a guy had a piledriver of a shot heading for the top left corner and I dived to save it. Managed to save it but landed damned awkwardly on my arm and cracked the little bit that sticks out just before your wrist. Was in a plaster cast for 6 weeks with that one.

4) This is the most serious of them all... At my secondary school (yes another one in school) we had this thing in the playing fields we called "The Mound." It's simply a small 10ft high or so lump of dirt sticking out of the ground with grass all over it. I was in year 7 at the time (12 years old) and the game at lunch time would be to run on top of the mound and see how long you could last on top of the mound before the year 10s and year 11s (15 and 16 year olds) pushed you off. Well I was on top of the mound one break time and suddenly realised I was the only one left on top of the mound. Deciding to run off of my own accord, I ran off into some long grass that was on one side of it. One thing I didn't see was that for some reason in this long grass there was a load of bricks hiding... Now bear in mind I am running damn fast having just run off a very steep hill, and I put my left foot out to turn round. Longer story short: my foot hits a brick side-on, the foot bone stops dead but one of the two bones in my left leg (cant remember which one - it's the inside one... DocBot will probably know which is which) pops out of its place, and sticks right out (though fortunately not piercing the skin - or it would have been damned messy). I end up in a shitty heap on the floor in immense amounts of pain, a couple of teachers come running over and then you get the massive crowds of people wondering what is going on. One fire alarm to disperse the crowd in the school and an ambulance ride (doped up on the gas stuff they give you to numb the pain a bit - that was some GOOD SHIT! :D) later, i'm in hospital with a brace on my leg with my mum telling me I have what looks like a tennis ball under my skin and that I am going to have an operation to put the bone back in. On further inspection, they found that I also smashed the growth plate that I had there, inbetween the leg bones and my foot... but that I had one further up my leg that should (and it has, btw) take over the work of the lower one.

Was in a heavy plaster cast for 6 weeks, off school for 7 and grew to hate daytime tv with a passion. Also didn't like my English teacher who kept sending work home for me...

5) Had my right ankle broken for me while playing football (anyone seeing a pattern here???). Was a long time ago now, but in the 2002 World Cup, Ronaldinho got sent off while playing for Brazil (duh) against England for a tackle he did on Danny Mills, where he essentially stamped on the guys ankle. That happened to me while playing 5 a side football about 2 weeks after that match happened (coincidence?) but I got permanantly damaged ankle ligaments and a chipped ankle bone out of it... Was in a light plaster cast for 4 and a half weeks... The fun part? The day AFTER I did my ankle in I had my first AS level exam... fun! As the head examiner at my college said when I talked to him in the morning about needing a couple of special arrangements due to my leg being in plaster, "There's always one isn't there?"

Incidentally, this happened during a 5-a-side match and that match it happened in was the opposing team's first ever match together at that place. They still play (and so does the guy who did my leg in) and are in our league still so the matches we play are normally a little violent... :D

6) ok not listed above but thought I would list it for comic value... Basically nearly 3 years ago when I started University after our Fresher's Ball, a group of 4 of us, after getting back to our Halls, decided to go back out and see if we could find a kebab shop that was open (bear in mind we had been in Southampton for just 1 week by this point). There was myself and another guy, and 2 girls. After 5 mins, the girls told us boys to run off ahead so they didnt have to walk as far. So myself and Steve (the other guy) started running... Steve could run faster than me however and I had trouble keeping up. In an effort to keep up, I kept leaning forward, but eventually (remember I am also drunk in this scenario) I leaned forward too far and went sliding down the pavement. Ended up with a massive graze covering half of the lower part of my right arm, irrepairably damaging the £25, never-before-worn shirt I was wearing, and also damaging my mobile phone (though it still worked). Thank god I was drunk, as I went back to my halls, got a wet sponge and just wiped it right along this graze to clear out all the dirt and crap in it. Didn't hurt a bit! Did in the morning though... at 7am on a Sunday morning I hopped on a bus to Southampton General Hospital and managed to watch 3 and a half episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh on the TV in the waiting room before I was seen to. Got the wound dressed, which I kept on for a couple of days and then took it off.

I still have a scar on my right arm now, though it isn's that pronounced anymore... but it's still visible and a reminder to myself that I should never run when I am drunk... :D

PS this has to be my longest post ever!!!


Staff member
I've had issues with my left knee for a loong time, it's been subluxated ("almost dislocated") from time to time for at least 10 years. Then, back in 2003, I was heavily drunk (like everyone else there) at a weird outdoor party that took place in an old quarry. The party was mad, live band was a percussion troupe with two guys dj'ing ambient music, so some sort of live rave/DnB thing, I guess you could call it. There was also a massive fire, which more or less everyone ran/jumped through. So did I. Problem was, I landed a bit wrong and did the subluxation thing again. Only a bit worse than ever before. Drunk as I was, I decided to walk back down to the car, an arduos (sp?) trip that took me about 2 hours because I didn't ask anyone for support, and I couldn't use my left leg at all. I fell quite a lot and got a ton of bruises and scrapes.

Anyway - results: Had to tap the knee joint of 100 ml of blood the day after, and was rushed into surgery the day after ("rushed" because there's usually a four year waiting list for that kind of surgery). They removed 3 pieces of cartilage that was floating around inside the joint and "shaved" the inside of my patella (where the cartilage pieces had come from).

Used heavy amounts of painkillers for about 3 months afterwards, and had to use crutches for 4 or so.

Still not quite right in that knee, nor will I ever be. I can't play sports, I can't run or climb, and it's generally quite debilitating without being visually so, which makes me feel rather silly from time to time.

The two hour one-legged hop down a quarry would be maybe 6 or 7 on the kudos scale. And about 8 or 9 on the stupid scale.

Oh, and there's one other thing. Not much of an injury, really, just a nick on the side of my hand, but I got it while holding up a patient through a broken window (he was jumping out through it) and he was bleeding quite profusely. And he had hepatitis. Not much on the injury scale, but a bit more on the kudos one :P


In Cryo Sleep
Two bad scars for me!!

1) cut the back of my index finger as a kid ona tuna can and made a semi circle cut that bled so much they had to take me to the doctors and bled for about a week so i had to stay in bed most of the time! i think i lost about as much as i could safely!!

2) was on holiday in Wales and went rock climbing with mum and dad and didnt realises i had wonderd off into slate cliffs. For those who dont know wat i mean its slate like rock that forms in shards vertically!!

so i lost my footing a went knee first onto a giant shard anfd sliced the front of my knee open!!!! I know have a massive scar across the front of my left knee.

Not helping is the fact that i also have weak knees so bad that they give way often (mostly on stairs or when running!) and allow my legs to bend to far forward if my knee locks! soooooo painfull but the heal of my foot can go miles off the bed. Had to do exercises on it to build the front muscle to strengthen it!!


Junior Administrator
i personally feel i've done alright for leg injuries, minor one being theres a bit of thigh bone floating around in my right leg somewhere (apparently thats not a problem).
i've dislocated both kness mostly playing rugby and football, but also managed it playing cricket and golf. (don't ask). i think my count is 6 nasty dislocations where each time i've been on crutches for at least 6 weeks and about 10 minor slips that just hurt like u wouldn't believe.
nastiest one has to be tho, playing rugby 5 yrs back right knee fully dislocated right (as in popped fully out of socket). then in some angry reaction to put it back in i hit it back the other way so it dislocated inwards and wouldn't go back.
looked funky as hell. that time my knee swelled to the size of a basketball (no joke) and it made an ER nurse gag, i had morphine by this point so didn't care.that time was on crutches for almost 2 months.
have also had two lots of knee surgery the most impressive of which was to straighten my legs, i had 2 2inch staples into both knees, best xrays ever.
although this was actually pretty cool as i set the alarms in airports off for a yr.
not sure how u'd rate that lot.

although i can claim never to have broken a bone


Junior Administrator
I would like to add to point 5 in my post above: Ronaldinho got sent off for his tackle... the guy that did my ankle in didn't even get a booking, let alone a red card... and the first thing my best mate/keeper/team captain said to me when he came running over as I was rolling aboot on the floor in agony... "You look like a Paki!!!" (yes that is slightly racist though he is not a racist person and was meant as a joke. Apologies to anyone to whom my usage of that word may offend.)

The reason he said that was because there are a load of small black pieces of "stuff" on the pitch (it's an indoor astroturf pitch) and as I hot the deck a load of bits got stuck to my sweaty face...

Kinda funny really...


In Cryo Sleep
well my injuriery was quite fast but the most painfull one was when i got run over by a fortlift-truck. i was sitting on the forks and the driver stop and i got off in front of it then the driver ran over my right ankle and then reversed over it again to get off... which broke my tib and fibular dislocated me ankle and broke all my toes, that hurt alot but the most painful bit was when i was at the hospital when they had to put the ankle back into place with the broke tib n=and fib and the toes... but it was quite funny becasue they put me on gas and air, and after about hours in my bed in pain i just burst out laughing.

that was my major injuriery but also i have dislocated me shoulder and broke my chollerbone..


In Cryo Sleep
Ok that sounds very very painful Kirby :eek:

The most painful thing iv had done is my two front teeth smashed out by my knee and my leg broken when i was around 4, but the thing was my parents didnt realise this and i went on a 14 hour flight with a broken leg and as you can imagine i wasnt to happy.