Anybody up for an Instance?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I would be up for Zul Farrak on Tuesday and Temple on Thursday :D. Friday was a one off for me but was great fun last week :D

(Except for that damn wolf that got me ;()

Kdavre definetly won on biggest aggro train that we could actually survive from.


Well-Known Member
I need to do the Sunken Temple for a leet shaman quest. Whether I'll turn up is a different matter :p


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm 60 now, and now I think I can take the "Secord Stance"; unless I'm in an instance already, just yell at me and I'll probably come help.

Unless your called Nazumi. Yelling won't help you there ^_-


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Right Plan for tonight (17th August 2006) is to do Zul Farrak early on in the night about 6ish maybe..... then follow it up with the Temple in the swamp of Sorrows about 8-9ish if lucky :D

I've asked Secord and Twisto and they are both up for this so 2 more spaces.... any takers?


In Cryo Sleep
SgtFury said:
Right Plan for tonight (17th August 2006) is to do Zul Farrak early on in the night about 6ish maybe..... then follow it up with the Temple in the swamp of Sorrows about 8-9ish if lucky :D

I've asked Secord and Twisto and they are both up for this so 2 more spaces.... any takers?

I'm sure you could twist haven and windzarko's arm on this one. Maybe spamork too.


New Member
After much groveling and crawling on knees. :eek:
My missus has ok'd a 7pm start for my gaming tonight.
So if you wait till then..I'm in :D

Oh.. And I no longer have any quests for ZF. Has somebody else got them to share?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I have them all except Divino matic which you can get at Gadgetan anyway :D


New Member
Its about time I lost my Blackrock Depths cherry. So who wants to join me in this quest into the unknown.

Starting Tuesday 22nd August (thats tomorrow) at 8pm

Ideally this is an Instance for mid to high level 50's.

Quests for BRD can be picked up in Kargath in the Badlands, and in the little camp in Burning Steppes right near Redridge.


In Cryo Sleep
im looking for people to run me through razorfen downs followed by one last shot through scarlet monestary!

i know ive done it loads but i just need those books for the quests i pick up in the downs!

il be on tonight so come and let me know!

and some genral quest help would be fab as a have almost all red ones

stranglethorn vale is my place for most quests but i have done them all before so shudnt take long!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I still haven't done the downs. So i would be up for that. Not sure when though.


New Member
I am looking to put together a group to explore Lower/Upper Blackrock Spire.
This is an end game Instance, so I'm afraid its a level 57+ group.

I currently have 6 red Quests for LBRS/UBRS burning a massive hole in my log book. It appears they can all be shared as well.

This Thursday/Friday night sounds good for me. Start off around 9pm.


New Member
And in a seperate shout...

Who wants to go and explore the Deadmines Instance (Level 15>20) with me?

I overlooked this place, due to the difficulty in gaining access (its in Alliance territory). But I still want to go and have a look around.

It wouldnt take up much time or effort to be honest, and the rewards would be minimal, but its one I want to put a tick next to.

So who wants in?


In Cryo Sleep
its possibly one of the coolest i have seen as the diffrent chambers hold some kewl stuff to fight on!!

count me in!!


New Member
Here is an idea for a future Instance run, but one with a difference.

The Dire maul Tribute run.

This takes place in DM North. The idea is to get through the Instance and defeat the king, but not to kill ANY bosses on the way.

You need to be clever and think fast on your feet to accomplish this task, and preparation is very important. Read this quick walkthrough.

Not sure what these rewards or buffs are that it talks about, but it does sound tempting.

Its a 5 man party only sorry, although if the first run turns out to be a good un, then many many more will be planned.

So.... Who wants in. I plan to do this on Friday night if possible.