Anyone else not buying the next X - Pac?


Theres no lore attached to this x pac and you get to be a fat panda and a monk

Blue post, posted by Bashiok on the us forum.

This is something I want to touch on a bit more. People seem to think that Pandaren were a joke, a throw away easter egg that we never fully intended as a playable race.

I will direct you to recall the Warcraft RPG (pen and paper) manuals released in 2003. While much of it hasn't been canon for quite some time, the Pandaren occupy a greater amount of pages and space within the manuals to establish their lore and story than pretty much every other creature on Azeroth. To give it some context, they occupy the same number of pages as Trolls in the Monster Manual, and share the same amount space in the Alliance and Horde Compendium with Orcs or Humans, and just like them ... you guessed it... Pandaren were a playable race.

(there's also an awesome sketch Metzen did of a Pandaren, Dwarf, Furbolg, and Gnome hanging out all friendly-like)

As I said a lot of this was pre-World of Warcraft, and by whatever stroke of fate, Trolls and Forsaken became playable races and Pandaren, Naga, and Furbolgs did not. Some other mix could have just as easily been true, and no one would have questioned it. Worgen didn't even exist back then, of course, they were a new creation for World of Warcraft.

It would simply be inaccurate to state that Pandaren were a throw away. Our intent, going back to Warcraft III, when the vast majority of the world lore and story was established for the franchise, was always to have a deep and rich history for a race known as the Pandaren.

No lore you say? :S


In Cryo Sleep
I do have to agree a bit here about the difficulty level, really. Especially when it concerns questing.

It's nice that my mage gets to coast through areas, one- or two-shotting most mobs easily. Don't take me wrong. But I'd really like to see an actual challenge pop up from time to time. Orange quest chains that require you to actually use CC and buttons other than "1" .. (Arcane mages are kinda bad in that respect. One of the reasons I'm questing in Fire spec atm ;-)
Even if it's only max-level stuff that gets this kind of content, it needs to be in there.

And honestly, the raids in Cataclysm don't feel very hard to me so far either. I've seen what, 1, 2 nights of raid wipes on Raggy, and we are getting pretty close to killing him already. Sure, TH has been practicing on him for a while now, but nothing that I've seen him do so far is any harder than what various bosses in old content required. In fact, I can name a number of them off the top of my head that were a fair bit harder ..


Well-Known Member
Heroic modes are there for those wanting a real high-end end game challenge. Normal modes are intended to be cleared by the majority of players (at least, the PVE focused ones).


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

It's nice that my mage gets to coast through areas, one- or two-shotting most mobs easily. Don't take me wrong. But I'd really like to see an actual challenge pop up from time to time.

Outlands is still where it's at, alas. In Nagrand, for instance, my level 67 druid had some trouble with some 68G3 quests required for the Greatmother quest chain, and I completely failed to solo Durn the Hungerer, which is a 67G5 mob. The Ring of Blood stuff is also 67G5...

I've seen what, 1, 2 nights of raid wipes on Raggy, and we are getting pretty close to killing him already.

More like four or five, which, by the way, corresponds to four or five weeks of trying. I'd say six weeks to down a boss is quite an appropriate level of challenge! :cool:

On the other hand, all 10-man raid stuff is always going to be much easier than 25-man stuff, if only because there are that many more people that might screw up and step across the flame wreath or attack the wrong scion or whatever. I'm not even going to talk about 40-man stuff!



Well-Known Member
I do have to agree a bit here about the difficulty level, really. Especially when it concerns questing.

It's nice that my mage gets to coast through areas, one- or two-shotting most mobs easily. Don't take me wrong. But I'd really like to see an actual challenge pop up from time to time. Orange quest chains that require you to actually use CC and buttons other than "1" .. (Arcane mages are kinda bad in that respect. One of the reasons I'm questing in Fire spec atm ;-)
Even if it's only max-level stuff that gets this kind of content, it needs to be in there. ..

You would have loved vanilla mage. Not using nova or sheep on a double pull = certain and quick death. :)