I feel that SF has had a bit of a raw deal. It was slighlty overpriced at twenty quid, and EA have learnt their lesson by releasing the future add ons at 5.99
The problem with most peeps and SF is that they play it as lone wolf. Its soooo much better with a clan or a decent teamworking squad.
The maps are very imaginative, and well designed.
The weapons do indeed rock n roll.
The usual problems in vanilla bf2 with over-powered air assets is drastically reduced to a couple of choppers.
Warlord and Surge are fantastic Infantry based maps that keeps the transport and armour limited to good effect.
My favourite map being Mass destruction. 75% of the map is garbage, but the epic battles that rage in the sub pen are excellent.
I would definitley recommend SF to anybody, especially as the price is now 14.99 from