Bai guys :'(


Junior Administrator
From a non WoWers point of view it's been nice that you and your mates have started getting into the forum side a bit more so to re-emphasise Haven's point. THN is so much more than just the WoW side. I can't comment in anyway on what happened in game and really I couldn't care any less.
Please don't due to a bad experience in game feel you can't stick stuff sans les forums and get in the shoutbox. We are all pleased to see new faces and of late we have started to see more appearing in the forum general rather than just the WoW section.

I couldn't give a crap about in game politics. Stick around and enjoy the view.


In Cryo Sleep
I love the forums here, I think its is amazing how alot of people actively use them... They are very well structured and easy to use :)

And regards Shadowbags I have one but two more wouldnt hurt... would they :eek: haha :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Hmmm... I may have misspoken. I meant the 24-slot soul bag...



In Cryo Sleep
Just to say from a former raid leaders point of view, Raid leading is hectic, stressful, frustrating, difficult (and many more words I can't be bothered to use) You have tons of people wisping you for invs, tons of people trying to tell you how to do your job, and it's unsurprising that T snaps once in a while, honestly, I'm an incredibly mild-mannered person, and I eventually gave up on raid leading due solely to the sheer stress I encountered from doing it, cut him a bit of slack, at the end of the day, the work he puts in is for you, he doesn't have to do it, yet he does, and he does it well (....from what I hear :p)

Now, please, doooooooon't leavvvvvvvvvve, us Irish need to stick together or we'll run out of spuds to survive!!!!!!!!! :(


In Cryo Sleep
It is true that raid leadership sometimes reaches the point in which you want to tell everyone to sod off and die, even though you don't mean it. Fae got her head melted in what would be a trivial Kara raid, and I tool leadership afterwards at her request. I must say it was one of the few times in this game in which my regular dry jokes and battle cries gave place to muting TS in times of frustration.

Having said this, good to have you back! :)


Active Member
It is true that raid leadership sometimes reaches the point in which you want to tell everyone to sod off and die, even though you don't mean it. Fae got her head melted in what would be a trivial Kara raid, and I tool leadership afterwards at her request. I must say it was one of the few times in this game in which my regular dry jokes and battle cries gave place to muting TS in times of frustration.

Having said this, good to have you back! :)

That must have been something o_O Speaking both of you, Zag, and Fae. While I can imagine T-bone snapping (the 18 Hydross attempts, anyone?), it's hard with you and Swampy.