BC2 is![]()
This! *Cowers from the incoming attack*
BC2 is![]()
Note- The usage of the tracer dart confuses many players.
In order to make the missile track the tracer, put your crosshairs over the red targeting box, wait for the small distance number to appear under the box, and then you can fire away.
Once you have locked on, you can aim over cover, around cover, or even backwards, and the missile will still curve around to hit your target.
Recommended tactics include tracing the protected turrets, tanks hidden mostly by cover, and landed enemy helos shortly before liftoff. It's especially helpful when combating helicopters, providing you can actually hit it with the dart.
After marking an enemy vehicle, make sure to communicate to your squad that you've done so. Then any other Engineers can lock-on, shoot straight up or around any immediate obstacles to take down the vehicle without having to move to a better position.
Well, 701 kills with SPAS-12 I think its time to try a new gun. Gombie will be pleased.
It's really good this game, and I wholeheartedly endorse a THN intra-clan battle at i40.
Um. Anyone else having the trouble of Favorites / History being blanked out (unable to join)?
My only guess for why this might happen is if the server's IP has changed since you last played it