Battlestar Galactica


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Re: 24:day 5

ah yeah, I actually think I'm gonna give that a try... we'll see if I like the mini series...


Junior Administrator
Re: 24:day 5

What series is on Sky 3 at the moment? I ask because I got freeview in my room and I only get Sky 3 when the sky travel channel morphs into it at night... :)


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Re: 24:day 5

okay, my first question about this: how come they have greek mythology if they're not from earth?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: 24:day 5

Docbot said:
how come they have greek mythology if they're not from earth?

Scriptures, in BG, state that everything has happened before and will happen again, that people are playing parts in some sort of ongoing cyclic saga. Their Scriptures also tell them that while the Twelve Colonies were founded by an exodus from Kobol, there was a thirteenth colony that left Kobol and headed for Earth. If, perhaps, they had come from Earth a long while before that, and combined with their concept of the cycle of time, it fits that their mythology would contain a Grecian slant.


Staff member
Re: 24:day 5

well they also seem to have roughly one religion, and they seem to have had it from the beginning, so to speak? and in that case there would be no room for greek mythology.

yes, theoretically they could have come from earth to cobol and then founded a colony on earth, but that feels rather farfetched, to me.

how about this alternate explanation:

the script writers didn't really think?


Staff member
[mod]split off this branch to it's own thread[/mod]

So, more thoughts:

what is it they are portraying here, with the human reactions to the cylons? are they being critical or not?

and adamo's coup, what's up with that? I can't wait to see him go down for it... he's obviously powermad... I mean, to coup because the president _suggests_ something to one of his men? Personally I'm getting more and more pissed with the humans, because as individuals they act like complete assholes, as opposed to the cylons. On the other hand, as a collective, the cylons are the bastards. Is this explained later in the 2004 series? I've only watched 2 episodes of that so far...

oh and also, I find the scenes with the doctor and his imaginary girlfriend tedious and overly mystical, so I've skipped most of them. do they actually add anything?

I haven't decided yet if i think the series are any good. it's obviously cought my attention, but I don't like the way it seems to not take a stand in any of the questions it brings up.. .it just keeps them... hanging. so far, that is. I'll prolly watch the first 12 or so episodes of the 2004 series, and if it doesn't shape up by then I'll give up on it.


Staff member
argh, another thing - "flash - thunder"? wth? afaik the humans only have one language, which the cylons also speak, making that pure idiocy.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ummmmm Doc aren't you supposed to let someone else speak their mind inbetween your posts? Or are they going to go on indefinetly :).

Must admit haven't seen much of Battlestar Galactica (either series) annoying this series is on at the same time as Life on Mars (a BBC1 drama) that i'm getting hooked on.


Staff member
well my post three posts back went unanswered for 2 days so I bumped the thread a bit ;)

oh and about the time issues, ever heard of a vcr? ;)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
In answer to Doc's spoiler questions:

Are you watching season 1 or season 2? Have you seen season 1, if you're watching the latter? I struggle to see how anyone can come into BG part way through, is why I ask.

As to what they are portraying, I don't believe there's a deeper point than the individual reactions. I don't think there's a statement about us-now not really a value judgement on the characters themselves. They are being allowed to be themselves, come whatever.

It's a character-centric series. I suspect that if you don't appreciate the characterisation then you're going to struggle with the series, as the story is all in who the people are and how they react to each other, including who the Cylons are and how the Humans react to them. In bringing in the Cyclon ("Six") that is in Baltar's head they present a different side to the story. That section of the story is fundamental and woven into the ongoing story arc. Miss that and you're missing important pieces. Fine, they wander around in abstract "are you real or just in my head" thought early on, but later on it feels more directed and information provided to Gaius is real and accurate, despite this Cylon woman apparently being a figment of his imagination.

As regards Cmdr Adama's coup, I have sympathy with his position. The President of the Colonies has apparently gone religion-mad and started to confuse and misdirect his senior officers (in this case Starbuck). How can he allow this madness to continue? He steps in, brutally. I think it could have been handled differently, but then I'm very different to Cmdr Adama.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Docbot said:
another thing - "flash - thunder"

It's not a matter of language, it's a matter of words. "Flash" could have been followed by "Bang" or "Gordon" or any number of combinations of related words. The specific combination is the important thing. It's safer than saying "hey, I'm coming in and I'm friendly". It's a simple recognition code. Real world militaries use the same technique.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: 24:day 5

Docbot said:
the script writers didn't really think?

I don't think that's the case. Did you watch the mini-series before you started with season 1? I think it creates important grounding for the main series. As mentioned in another post, I don't think BG is a good series to come into part way through.


Staff member

I've watched the mini series and series one, and the first episodes of series 2.

about "six" - if it's more real than pure imagination then I get the feeling that there's more to the religion than "nothing" - if they bring in mystical events in one sense then they probably will in another as well. Also, they seem to have a somewhat well founded religion - with the cobol planet and all.

which in turn brings us to the religion-mad president. if the religion is real then she's not mad, is she? also, commander adamo's senior officers are his problem and if he cannot control them he shouldn't keep them. It looks like he wants to be an autocrat in his own right, and I cannot agree with his actions. there are obviously democratic ways of dealing with this, but he rather steps in with force. basically I get the feeling he's happy with a president as long as he/she does whatever adamo himself wants him/her to. Tyrants are never nice.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
And a response...

Cmdr Adama doesn't have anyone else. Col Thai may be an alcoholic, Starbuck may be totally off the rails, but with 47,000 people left and a tiny fraction of them being military he doesn't have anywhere else to turn. He can't replace them and he can't live without them, especially in Starbuck's case. Even Thai, though, has training and knows things about the Galactica that aren't easily replaced or retrained.

I don't read autocrat. He is, however, Commander-in-Chief of what's left of the Colonial Fleet. He can't sit people down and ask them what they think -- no military works like that when in a tight spot. He has to make a call and then live with the consequences. On one hand, if he lets the President get away with inciting mutiny and directing the military then where does that stop? On the other hand, if he removes her from power where does he stop? He can't win, so he just chooses.

Still, your point about the religion-mad President seems correct, but neither he nor his senior officers know that nor believe that. In fact, only Gaius is in possession of any useful facts about the Cylons, aside from how to kill them, and he's looking like he's headed stark-raving-bonkers and certainly not about to offer up any information in case that leads back to "so, you're the reason that everyone's dead...".

I think his only other option would have been to go to the Quorum of Twelve and ask them to remove/denounce the President, but that opens a can of worms that he doesn't need. He doesn't know where Earth is -- he lied. Laura knows that, and now so does Starbuck. He's trapped behind a lie that he needed to tell to give people hope that they weren't just being hunted to extinction and that was all there was left. He can't tell the Quorum that he lied without losing all credibility, and he can't risk President Roselyn choosing to open that can of worms. Basically, he's not ready for the political game and he's backed into a corner by previous choices. So, it's guns or no guns. As a career military man he goes with what he knows -- guns.


Staff member
well maybe I'm just a bit partial here - i prefer a democratically run military before a military run "democracy" ;P

on a lighter note, I loved the "cylon blood - human blood" scenes they put in s02e04 :D I guess I'll keep watching, but being anal about details I'll still complain about things that I find inconsequent with the "not from earth" storyline (i.e. "klicks" - the wars I believe were mostly fought in space, where that kind of distance is rather unecessarily precise? plus it's from korea, iirc).


Ronin Storm

Staff member
Docbot said:
i prefer a democratically run military before a military run "democracy"

Oh, indeed. Won't disagree with you on that. Government and military should not mix, just as politics and war are different things. They can't live without each other, but one cannot pretend to be the other and maintain the freedoms or effectiveness we expect.

Docbot said:
"cylon blood - human blood"

They do have some well shot scenes throughout. Each episode does come across a bit differently as they are directed by different people. I understand that one of the season 1 episodes was directed by Edward James Olmos (Cmdr Adama), for example.

Docbot said:
"klicks" - the wars I believe were mostly fought in space, where that kind of distance is rather unecessarily precise? plus it's from korea, iirc

Not sure I follow you. I get the point overall, just not the example...?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
(Take in to account I haven't read any of this,)

is it just me or are you two trying to bolster your post count????? ? :)

I assume its because Im looking at this thread linearly and you are each replying to different parts but it looks mental :p