Active Member
Theres a link to the page i quoted.
It is not my intent that the law should be changed, only that It doesnt seem to be imagined that a man could be capable of feeling as violated as a female rape victim, further reinforcing (by inference that men are stronger emotionally) the view that females are weak.
Look at it this way, why should anyone respect the word rape if the lawmakers cant even get it right? Yes, throwout the word, and replace it with something like, "unlawful sexual interaction between a man and a nonconsenting female".
It should be (or rather rape should mean): "unlawful sexual interaction between 2 or more human beings where at least 1 sexual organ is involved and at least 1 party nonconsenting"
Actually this is not my feeling, but rather that a man should be able to be a rape victim in law for example by the situation from the example above.
It is not my intent that the law should be changed, only that It doesnt seem to be imagined that a man could be capable of feeling as violated as a female rape victim, further reinforcing (by inference that men are stronger emotionally) the view that females are weak.
Look at it this way, why should anyone respect the word rape if the lawmakers cant even get it right? Yes, throwout the word, and replace it with something like, "unlawful sexual interaction between a man and a nonconsenting female".
It should be (or rather rape should mean): "unlawful sexual interaction between 2 or more human beings where at least 1 sexual organ is involved and at least 1 party nonconsenting"
If so, yes it's a quirk of law that it is male-centric although I, personally, do not have a massive issue with this - however, I do agree that women *can* commit rape but would, obviously, have to use something else other than a penis and this is where the wording of the law needs to be changed for clarity.
Actually this is not my feeling, but rather that a man should be able to be a rape victim in law for example by the situation from the example above.