bf2 on serenity


Junior Administrator
Ok, me and elDiablo just tried joining Serenity as we wanted to mess about with planes and stuff in private... he joined ok but when I tried to join bf2 told me that I had a newer version of bf2 installed! I's assuming then that the 1.22 patch has not been installed???

Ronin Storm

Staff member
That's quite probable, TB. I've not seen any notes to say that BF2 has been upgraded yet.


Hmm, that means the patch didn't install properly for me :( Installing it again...


Active Member
Oh fudge cakes, elDiablo asked me to start the server up this morning before I left for work, and I've just realised the 1.22 patch has NOT been installed on the server...
Sorry guys.


Thing is KillCrazy, I didn't have the patch installed either :) I ran it when it downloaded, but it didnt install correctly, and I didn't realise. So I still got a good few hours practise, then asked thatbloke to come shoot me down, and he couldn't. I reinstalled patch, and yeah, I couldn't join either :)

Thanks for putting the server up though! :D


Indeed. But the patch is nicely installed now, so updating Serenity at some point would be nice please! :)


Serenity is now updated. But, erm, seems to be "Stuck" saying "China wins!"...

Communist hackers anyone? ;)


Active Member
God only knows what's wrong with it now and I don't have any time tonight to take a look!
I friggin' hate bf2 and all its quirks.....>_<


New Member
Which kind of puts the dampeners on tommorows Wacky races.

Is there any chance of it rising from the dead in time?


Staff member
I've updated pb - try it and let us know whether its working or not.


Active Member
haven said:
I've updated pb - try it and let us know whether its working or not.
I've just been on there with Gringots for a while and it seems to be working perfectly.



In Cryo Sleep
Haven, after the the server was updated on Sunday we lost all the extra maps :eek:.

Bambi and I tried to load several of the map packs but couldn't get them through rcon. I heard KC had to reinstall the server and so the maps may have been wiped?

Could you wack them back on again + Gizmo's map?


With a little red cherry on top :D.


Staff member
Considering I spent a good 4 hours writing scripts and fixing all the maps so that they would work the first time. NO I'm not doing that again, I don't have hte time and I'm pissed off that KC didnt take a fecking backup before wiping all my hard work! All my scripts were in the map directory so they could be easily used. ALWAYS take a backup if you are going to do a major upgrade !!!


In Cryo Sleep
4 hours?!?! I didn't know that :eek:.

Is it because it's a Linux server?

Some of us are making maps at the mo (those things are massive time sinks!), is there anything we can do to them to stop them needing the scripting?


Staff member
No its because BF2 is an undocumented piece of shit with no debugging and/or logging faciltiy and most of the custom maps are seriously broken and require a lot of work to fix (mainly case sensitivity issues with names HAVING to be a certain "undocumented" case for them to not completely hose the server). It took four hours to sort and a bit longer to figure out and yes I believe windows wont suffer from the case sensitivity issues which is what most people appear to write their maps for. If you feel up to hand editing a couple of hundred files to get it back up and running then please dont let me stop you.


In Cryo Sleep
Okay, well if it's simple pleb work that just takes a while, like renaming files with lower case I can do that.

But I know zip about programming outside of Fortran and Matlab :eek:.

If you take a peek at this, would the program mentioned under "What's new in this release" be the sort of thing that’d helped?


Active Member
Why don't you have a backup of these scripts you spent so long on doing Haven? Why wasn't I informed about them aswell? I said I would help the BF2 community by maintaining the server for them. I was not told that you had done such additions to the server so as far as I was aware the bf2 directory contained only work that I had been working on (which I have backups of).

There has been a major conflict in admining the game server. I do not have to do the job of sorting, updating and adding to the game server. I stood down from the BF2 clan because I was not enjoying the game anymore (and no it's got NOTHING to do with oblivion). I am now going to stand down from admining the server aswell. Those who are running and maintaining the BF2 clan should learn how to use the server themselves.