Bioshock Infinite

Narly Bird

New Member
So has anyone played Bioshock Infinite? Worth getting? I purchased Bioshock 1 and 2 during the Steam Christmas sale. I played almost to the end of 1 and then stopped, mainly due to real life getting too busy and also because the difficulty ramped up a bit and I got bored of the gameplay. The story was absolutely amazing though – it really touched me. Especially early game when you are going through the hospital section and seeing what the cosmetic surgeon became. Also when you meet the antagonist and beat him to death with his golf club. The atmosphere and story was just incredible.

The gameplay itself didn’t seem that great (not terrible mind you – but a bit of a yawn). Maybe its because I was playing a 5 year-old game, but Half Life 2 wins hands down gameplay wise and I can still go back to that game and enjoy the mechanics.

So now that RL has let off a bit, I will get down to finishing Bioshock 1 and perhaps make a start on number 2. But maybe not. If number 2’s gameplay is the same as number 1 then I don’t think I would be willing to spend the time required to get through the entire game. Regardless of how good the story is.

But if this new Bioshock has an awesome story AND the gameplay/combat mechanics are better, it could be worth a look in.

Any opinions from the forum?

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for it to come down in price. I generally like the Shock games, but time and money are a factor at the moment.

I also want XCOM, and am hoping that will get a bit cheaper too.


Active Member
I bought bioshock 2 last Christmas too, though I realised I had not finished number 1. Hopefully ill get to do that this summer.

I'm waiting for it to come down in price. I generally like the Shock games, but time and money are a factor at the moment.

I also want XCOM, and am hoping that will get a bit cheaper too.

And so goes the argument for piracy. Thumbs up for not giving in, I don't pirate games either.


Active Member
When you do want it - We want it now. Is how the conglomerates keep the us poor poor, tis strange the phenomena that people buy things when they are new yet so many things devalue(while still brand new) so quickly. Though I find it worse if the item is a replacement for something that is not out of date or old or ineffective.

I often wonder when someone says "im getting the new" how the companies as it were tricked them into buying it immediately, then again I am not as subject to social pressures as what appears to afflict so many people. Of course - I am biased as this argument mostly refers to mobile phones, something that I have no use for.

Though I can hardly claim immunity, though reason for acting has to count, so when I buy the new intel architecture I am replacing something old rather than getting something because its "new"

Narly Bird

New Member
How much is the game retailing for?

I am fairly time poor and therefore am happy to wait for games to come down in price rather than buy it at full price when it first comes out. As you say above, they come down in price surprisingly quickly (just wait until the next steam sale or check out green man gaming, etc.).

Ronin Storm

Staff member
How much is the game retailing for?

I am fairly time poor and therefore am happy to wait for games to come down in price rather than buy it at full price when it first comes out. As you say above, they come down in price surprisingly quickly (just wait until the next steam sale or check out green man gaming, etc.).

GMG had it as a bundle with other things for £23.99 on pre-release, but that's just the cost for the download code now.

Steam has it at £29.99.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
To be fair, I'd probably happily pay full price for it if I had the money, so when I say I'm waiting for it to go down in price, I also mean if I get rich.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member


Junior Administrator
I completed Bioshock Infinite a couple of days ago (preordered via Steam) and have to say, it was genuinely fantastic, easily one of the best games I've played in a long while. Also, felt the combat was much improved over the previous Bioshock games, they never felt quite right to me, in particular the weapons felt unsatisfying to use. This time round, there's plenty of feedback, tons of weapons to choose from, and it feels nicely responsive.

In summary: story was great, characters were great, gameplay was great, performance was great (runs well on my old Athlon X2 4200+ and GT 240 at 1080p at lower settings).

If I may also give a small piece of advice if you're going to play it for the first time: don't just rush through, I found I got more out of the game by exploring and taking in the atmosphere.


Junior Administrator
I would say it enhances the experience a little, but it isn't essential by any means. I actually haven't finished either of the previous Bioshock games :eek:

The combat mechanics are quite reminiscent of Bioshock, with the use of weapons and powers (called 'vigours', or in Bioshock, 'plasmids'), so if you've played one of the previous ones, you'll be right at home. If you haven't, there's an opportunity to learn the mechanics before the game really gets going.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Do you need to have played the first two to understand or "get" this one?

No. Like DeZ says, you may get a bit of extra colour and maybe an extra smile or two, but there's absolutely no need to have played the previous games.

Narly Bird

New Member
Well, i played Bioshock 1 again and made it oh-so-close to the end. I reckon i'm probably 30 mins gameplay give or take before the ending. But i couldn't find where to go and then got sidetracked by Civ V (for half a day!).

Will try and finish it tonight.

The storyline to Bioshock is just awesome, but the gameplay, especially 5 years on, really isn't that great. Its mostly due to me having very little free time atm, but i almost wish i could skip the gameplay and just get the story. And such a well done story too.

I'll hold off on Infinite until i have some more free time. But its definitely on the wish list.


Active Member
Just finished Infinite and I have to say it's absolutely incredible! Sincerely recommend it to everyone!