Blood Bowl L2 Week 3


Junior Administrator
Lucious, when are you next available for our game? We've got plenty of time :) I was stuck on the M40 last night playing courier service with a laser for a casino and a load of drivers for some LEDs for TV Studios so missed 7:30!


In Cryo Sleep
Next free slot for me is Christmas Eve, any time after about 3pm I'd reckon, after that it's not till the 28th

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Yeah, remember folks that you can have more time for these matches if you need; next week is a bye week.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
This was a match we were fearing: the second Lizardman team in only three matches. A fearsome lineup of Saurus, Kroxigor and a handful of Skinks. Really all we saw were dinosaurs covering the pitch from end to end.

Edwards gathered the team around after the Heroes won the toss and suggested a new strategy: take the ball and try to give them the run-around. Incredibly, it worked. The Saurus line was as scary as the previous time, but a weakness on the right flank made a hole large enough for John Rambo to fly down straight as if he was some wide receiver. Sure enough, Saurus flocked to his position but some nifty moves and recovering a pass that scattered a little long put the first touchdown in for the Heroes.

Feeling confident, they prepared to receive the first counterattack. The kick went long and the ball was handed to a Skink right at the front. It ducked and weaved and dashed straight down pitch almost before the whistle had been blown. The whole team stood stunned as this Skink minx screamed straight into the endzone. 1-1 with three turns to go.

(Yeah, uhm, I hit "end turn" by accident and basically just let a Skink score...)

Edwards called for another shotgun play, with blitzers diving into the backfield and the line running a fading interference to keep the Saurus off for long enough. One in the crowd was angry enough over the poor performance last drive that they flattened Simon Phoenix with a rock to the head.

The Saurus swept too eagerly to the distractions and a hole appeared just left of centre. Edwards piled on through. Just seconds before the whistle, he pushes his way over the goal line to make the score 2-1 to the Heroes.

Thanking the gods that the Saurus hadn't killed any of them yet, the Heroes went into the second half fearing retribution. Edwards laid out new instructions to give better cover for nimble Skinks. Sure enough, a Skink picks up the ball in the backfield, races to the line, hands it off, and again a Skink gyrates through the defenders and rushes for the endzone. This time, though, the Heroes are ready.

The rear part of the defensive line peels backwards, shadowing the Skink. Blitzers overtake and a slamming blow from John McClane puts the Skink out for the match. Touchdown denied. Yippee ki ay.

The Lizard line is in disarray and the Heroes duck, weave and pass their way down the field to another touchdown. All the while, a linesman, Ethan Hunt, holds down two Saurus and a Skink single-handed. At first, he does it from the floor, but fear shows in the lizards' eyes and soon he's headbutting them in the face and watching their eyes go crazy.

Spike-a-thon, now looking quite battered, seem to make some sort of audible error where the ball carrier races left and the cover heads right. Exposed, a Skink is in the fore when Dutch the blitzer slams straight into him. Not quite getting their hands to the ball, another Skink swoops in to try to save the day, only to be tripped at the D-line as it tries to swoop through the cover on the far side.

The Heroes recover and make another rapid bid for the endzone, with Dwayne Hicks carrying the ball home as the final whistle blows.

Final score, 4-1 to the Heroes, and still all players on their feet. A minor miracle if ever there was one.


Junior Administrator
Also, there we have it, Bloodbowl: Legendary Edition £14.99 on the steam holiday sales, today until tomorrow at 6PM...

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Trax and Lucius' game has been verified. Sounded like a riot.

Games left to play:

Waterproofbob vs Velaphor
Dragon vs Ghostwolf
Gombol vs Huung


Junior Administrator
I managed to be fairly ill on the 2 days before christmas that I was able to do it and am now away until probably around the 3rd of Jan. However am on holiday then for a week so should be able to get it done in that week.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I managed to be fairly ill on the 2 days before christmas that I was able to do it and am now away until probably around the 3rd of Jan. However am on holiday then for a week so should be able to get it done in that week.

Well, there's no rush really. Week three was only scheduled to start on the 3rd of January so...


Junior Administrator
That means this week is supposed to end on the 9th of january for anyone who wondered ;)


Still waiting on Huung replying, not seem him online for a while.


Well-Known Member
Still waiting on Huung replying, not seem him online for a while.

My Steam is a poop and refuses to launch the store page, so I have to trick it into logging on :p

I'll make sure I'm online the next couple of days if you're up for it then.


My Steam is a poop and refuses to launch the store page, so I have to trick it into logging on :p

I'll make sure I'm online the next couple of days if you're up for it then.

I'll be on about 10:30 if you are.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Week three ends on the 9th. Lets see if we can get it done before that.

I hope everyone had a nice, lazy, tasty christmas.

Games still to be played are
Velaphor vs Waterproofbob
Ghostwolf vs Dragon
Gombol vs Huung

Will the undefeateds (Ghostwolf, Waterproofbob, and technically dragon) remain so?