Great game against D's Feeders.
Played in a constant downpour, a rain-slicked ball was occasionally too tricky to handle but both sides seemed to take extra care when considering recovering the ball from the floor.
Storm Heroes took the first drive, relentlessly pushing up the field but kept to a relative crawl by persistent vampires. Unfortunately, all that persistence seemed to make them exceptionally hungry and the ranks of thralls were whittled through over-thirsty drinking with one carried to the injuries box for a transfusion.
Indeed, facing off against the vampires even Frank Castle was knocked clean out and spent the majority of the game snoozing peacefully in the dugout.
The depletion of the vampire roster in previous weeks has clearly taken its toll. Only three of four vampires were fielded and lack of experience in the thralls showed through much of the first half.
End of half one, 1-0 to Storm Heroes.
Understrength from injuries and feeding, D's Feeders went into the second half in sorry shape and quickly lost the ball but, having lost possession, then accounted for themselves fantastically. A break-away dash from the Heroes' team leader, James Darrel Edwards, was quickly shut down by a nimble thrall and then his minion teammates swarmed round the ball and held Storm Heroes to a stand-still.
Vampires were spread thin and Storm Heroes managed to get their blitzers down the field but, even then, Dutch was knocked down and out and even as Edwards took the ball towards the endzone for the second time by the most exceptionally nimble thrall in the league (3 tackle zones dodged, success on a 1 dice block). Even the Heroes' fans had to acknowledge that the Feeders deserved a better result after such an epic defense to the end.
Lines shredded, 4 players out with injuries (half of them due to feeding), the Feeders received one last time but an aggressive blitz from the Heroes almost had them receiving their own kick, though rain kept the ball from being put back into play.
End of the game, 2-0 to Storm Heroes, with massive props to a pair of thralls who put up the majority of the fight in the second half.
(Needs a verify when one of you gets chance.)