Panda with issues...
Well-Known Member
Kastka Ordered his replacement parts today, so might be good go in a couple of days.
Then we'll leave it as long as possible (I.E. sunday eve) before rolling over this week.
Kastka Ordered his replacement parts today, so might be good go in a couple of days.
I'll do my best to be available for Kat if he can get sorted. However I'm working a late tomorrow, am at Wol's on Sat and am working until 7 on Sunday. Will do my best to get the game done if Kat can get his machine up and running.
if Gombol is not playing the games anymore then I have a friend who would be willing to join the league in his place (paddyobrien)
well, just got my arse handed to me for the 2nd week in a row in a 0-3 mauling by Huung.
Apologies if I sounded a little too pissed off towards the end of that match Huung but when you have the dice playing for you as well it's quite disheartening
added to that when I clicked "next" on the match results page my PC BSOD'd...
Played my match with dragon. In the first half he put up a sterling fight with a depleted roster, led by his stormvermin with a recently acquired set of razor sharp claws, KOing a zombie and a flesh golem early, The Coffin Dodgers held on though, and killed a Gutter runner, who turned out just to have a serious case of the sniffles (apothecary roll). Later on though, the valient stormvermin was injured off the pitch, as were a few other rats, and another gutter runner was killed mid second half. This put the Speedfreakz in a rat hole they couldnt get out from, and eventually they succumbed to a 3-0 loss.
Dragon had some awful luck on injury roles, but was a good sport about it throughout, despite having a permanently depleted roster as skaven.
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I prefer not to talk about it as I'd have to start crying if I did.
Sounds like we both need a stiff drink![]()
If Huung rolls a Tomb king team next league I'm not play. Not even slightly funny BB it's a cruel mistress.
Yeah, but they can't get anyone with AG of 3 or movement of more than 5 (or 6?) or a lot of ball skills.
Them's the breaks.
But yes, I think they are quite a hard team.