BiG D and I have played out another violent game to add to my small collection of brutal encounters.
It finished 1 - 1.
So, in my usual unbiased (cough) and often lengthy style... With Vampires and Lizardmen taking to the pitch, it was always going to be about blood at some point or other. The side plot of this tale however was one of two Skinks. One who seems to be able to dodge his way out of anything (including a group of two Thralls and a Vampire) The other the world's worst catcher in history, as he failed to pickup a kickoff for three turns.
The first turns were a battle. The Vampires battling their urges to suck the blood of the Thralls. The Lizardmen battling to spill the blood of Thralls first. Round 1 seemed to be a stalemate as one Vampire heavily stunned one Thrall, whilst another sent one KOd to the bench. Unfortunately the ball carrier also failed to give up the ball whilst biting into his team mate and promptly fumbled it. The Lizardmen seized the opportunity and sent several Thralls to spend the game with the medical teams. This allowed a Skink, who will now be known as Dodgy Dodgerson to his friends (if he has any that is) to run his way to a TouchDown through a depleted Feeders team, slamming the ball down, only for it to land on his brain-dead head. The half ended with much cursing from the Vampires for their uncontrollable hunger, which has inevitably cost them dear. Score 1 - 0 to Spike-a-thon.
Having elected to Kick in the first half, the Lizardmen expected a similar half to the first. The designated catcher had other ideas. With the rest of the team watching he failed dramatically. Having survived a smashed collar bone thanks to the intervention of an apothecary in the first half, he couldn't manage to collect a kick off for three turns allowing the Feeders to gather in number an eventually run the ball over the line for an easy TouchDown after 4 turns. With 4 turns remaining and angered by the failings of the catcher, the Lizardmen chose to go down the route of "smash bones, get touchdowns later" Bizarrely this nearly led to a touchdown in the final turn, with the dodgy Skink from the first half avoiding the advances of 4 players to get hold of the ball one square from the Vampire endzone, unfortunately for Spike-a-thon he ran out of legs and couldn't make it over the line. There the game finished with a final score of 1 - 1.