For those of you who couldn't be bothered reading my fluffy post above, I need to decide what skill to give Bilbo.

I haven’t rolled it yet, so don’t know if it is a normal or a double. Panda suggested Dauntless is fitting for his character, but that would require a doubles skill roll. As I hardly ever get double skill rolls I will assume it’s a normal which means I can only give him agility skills. The options are:
Catch – a useful skill, but doesn’t suit his character
Diving Catch – as above, but slightly less useful
Diving Tackle – as per catch. If it was Merry or Pippin I can see this being a good skill as they tended to trip people up (and Merry stabbed the Nazgul King in the knee in LOTR). But I don’t see it suiting Bilbo so much.
Jump up – not so useful, but perhaps indicative of Bilbo’s determination to fight on?
Leap – useless skill although in The Hobbit, Bilbo did leap over Gollums head to escape the mines of Moria.
Side step – useful skill and shows Bilbo’s ability to dodge and weave in a fight to avoid getting hurt.
Sneaky git – useful skill, but not really in character, unless we assume that the Ring has gnawed on Bilbo’s mind and he is reverting to a more Gollum like character (evil and willing to perform bad deeds to further his own purposes). Remember that exposure to the ring can eventually turn you insane, which I think is a nice twist.
Sprint – Bilbo can run faster than other hobbits?
Sure feet – Bilbo can run faster without falling over?
Not such great choices for in character stuff as you see. But please let me know what you think is most suited to Bilbo’s character. I’m leaning towards sidestep, but am attracted by the dark horse skill of sneaky git as Bilbo’s mind slowly goes insane. Jump up is another option I am considering too.
If i do surprise myself and roll a double for the skill, i agree with Panda that Dauntless would be the most in-character skill as Bilbo is able to take down larger opponents by psyching himself up and with the hidden power of the ring. Am happy for doubles skill suggestions to though if anyone has an alternative one to Dauntless.
Ronin just suggested shadowing as a possible skill. I like this as Bilbo is able to secretly follow players with the power of the Ring. Nice in-character skill. Not sure it edges out Dauntless though?