Blood bowl League 3 Season 4 sign up thread

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Panda, I have lost my love for you. </3

I challenge you to Bloodbowl, to defend Karen Gillan's honour :3

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I don't know if you've noticed boys, but there are ludicrously hot, unrealistic women in EVERY form of media these days. Including them in your game/TV/Podcast/Film/whatever does not give it's content a pass on QA/QC.


Active Member
I don't know if you've noticed boys, but there are ludicrously hot, unrealistic women in EVERY form of media these days. Including them in your game/TV/Podcast/Film/whatever does not give it's content a pass on QA/QC.

No it doesn't, but it helps when they're coupled with very entertaining stories and good acting. (Note: I said 'entertaining'. Not claiming they're particularly original stories or even particularly well written but they are gloriously British, full of humour and basically just good, clean fun.)


Well-Known Member
Urgh i go away for two days and this is what i come back to. Unless Dr Who travels to a dimension/timezone/whatever that involves bloodbowl it doesnt really belong here to argue his shows merits or lack thereof. Start a new thread in chat box if your all that bothered. Or just rage in the shout box like i do. Discussion on the Who over.

Panda you are a PR disaster.

Whats happening with blood bowl related things? Are we still looking for another player?

Narly Bird

New Member

No one biting at BBT currently. May give it a few more days, then if not, we'll have to slot in another dummy team.

I will send off a few pm's as i have an idea of a couple of people who may be interested. Otherwise i'm happy to submit my Halfling team and if i can play, i can play and if not then its an admin'd win to my opponent.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I will send off a few pm's as i have an idea of a couple of people who may be interested. Otherwise i'm happy to submit my Halfling team and if i can play, i can play and if not then its an admin'd win to my opponent.

Thanks mate, either way, thats better than a dummy team.


In Cryo Sleep
Panda it's hard to tell whether Pottsy is that last player you need, but if you need a player I will play. If not I will wait for a later one as planned originally.