Blood Bowl- Week 2

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Active Member
Horns + claws is being given to everyone i possibly can on my Chaos team, just to stick it to em!


Well-Known Member
I <3 my pogoer, though I'm beginning to wonder if there's an issue with the Looney, as I attacked someone with him yesterday and nothing happened even though the defender failed all his rolls?

The pogoer was definetly my man of the match. Blitzed Pandas ball carrier to knock it loose and generally caused loads of havoc. Hes the fastes moving thing on one springy leg.

The chainsaw works on a 2+ but you still have to roll afterwards to to see what kind of damage you do to the enemy and obviously a roll of 1 will do nothing. Does suck thats why you need to give him mighty blow (can get it on a double) means he's +1 to dmg so can never fail and always at least knocks down :)

3 Games down and 6 to go :)


New Member
Any body seen Zoog around as I have sent a PM asking about when we will have our match and not heard back from him or seen him on TS recently.


Junior Administrator
Any body seen Zoog around as I have sent a PM asking about when we will have our match and not heard back from him or seen him on TS recently.

Particularly on weekdays he's not often around a huge amount due to his work commitments - I expect he will be around by the weekend, however.


Well-Known Member
The troll stroked his head quizzically as he watched the skaven take position ahead of him. Would they be good to eat? Stringy muscles, furry bodies that would scratch the throat, tiny jagged bones, wretched smell and infected and fetid claws. No to mention all the diseases they carried. No, the troll thought licking his lips, they would be VERY good to eat.

Tall’un the pogoer lamped the ball downfield but had misjudged the amount of grot oil to use and the ball slipped on contact falling right short just behind the line. Corpable Nibbler (skaven thrower) fearing sneaky gobbo tactics, ran to get the ball and then fearing the early blitz, ran back up the field again to get out of gobbo range. Lineman had to come back to cover him though leaving a hole in the line. Seeing this Tall’un (pogo goblin extraordinaire) bounced his way down field to harass the ball carrier followed by the goblins Ballhogga and Fistdodga.

The captain Ardta, being of slightly superior intellect to his team mates identified early on the danger posed by the gutter runners. He ordered man coverage and was happy to see goblins all over the vile ratmen. Then he blinked. A gust of wind and a brown blur later and the gutter runners were on the goal line waiting for a well timed pass while the goblin defence stared dazed at the empty space next to them.

While goblins tried ceaselessly to get the ball from a ratty linesman Comatose troll stared at Corpable Nibbler. Suddenly two neurons in his brain fired and the troll crushed the ratman in one mighty blow, smashing his hip and forcing the apothecary to come out. Downfield Guthandla goblin saw this impressive display "Caw dose ratfings break easy!” He therefore ran headlong at a gutter runner in the backfield solo where he was knocked unconscious seconds later.

The goblins took the ball finally after the rats lost some dodge rolls, a few spiky bits laid hidden in the grass helped too. The goblins got ready to pass to the pogoer hangin downfield. Unfortunately goblins can’t catch. After the rats recovered the ball they got ready for the pass deep to the gutter runners. Unfortunately ratmen cant throw. Fistdodga recovered the scatter throw then could only watch worriedly as he slowly became surrounded by rats. His ‘fist in the face’ senses tingling he made a quick but improbable dodge to shirk the 3 linesrats followed closely by Tall’un and Ballhogga (whos never really far from the ball).

Wyremute Squeak’s attempts to look as inedible as possible failed him when he found himself between Comatose troll and Foolstoy troll with no backup to speak of. Eager to eat as much of the rat before the other could the two trolls tore him limb from limb in seconds killing him. Apparently he tasted like cabbage. Shortly after this grim display Fistdodga scores!

Second Half.

With Tall’un pogoer sent off by the ref for allegedly greasing the ball, laying spiked metal in the grass and attempting to impersonate the ref it meant Squiggutta goblin had to take to the field in his place. His first swing missed but the noise of the chainsaw startled the ratogre so much it fell knocking itself down for two turns. While the it was down Teefsteala Jr. made sure to take some much sought after ork currency from the ratogres maw. The trolls started a punching contest on some of the linesrats knocking more unconscious and injuring a further two.

The gobbo push hit one flank hard but the trolls were now too distracted by a glinty thing in the crowd to help much. At this point the ball was firmly in the hands of Ballhogga and he looked at it with such glee. He’d wanted it for so long. Turning it over and over in his hands, he started to weep a little. Sadly this meant he wasn’t watching where he was going and he tripped over a gutter runners tail who had been shadowing him.

Ardta despaired as the gutter runner grabbed the ball, he ordered everyone to stick with that rat. Squiggutta turned to look at the rat with the ball and then got taken out by an angry linerat (his chainsaw luckily hitting him blunt end first to merely knock him out). Guthandla, now woken up from mild concussion made another mad dash at a runner, this time Guthandla would be out of the game for good. Ardta, distracted for a few seconds by all the excitement in the centre looked again for the ball carrier. The gutter runner was waving at him from the endzone. 1 all.

‘Turn firteen, 1 all, deys teams all broke and we got da ball, what could go rong!’ Ardta exclaimed. But he’d forgotten one thing. This is Blood Bowl. And goblins can’t catch.

As Ardta ran with the ball past the line through a carefully made hole he saw Cloudkissa waiting for him to get the ball to make the final run. He was in range for the endzone. It was now or never. Mainly never. The handoff failed and Ardta shrieked a long line of goblin curses as a gutter runner swooped in for the ball. The skaven runner smirked then was away in a vile brown blur. He ran to the half way line then tossed the ball to his waiting compatriot. Even though skaven can’t throw the scatter shot landed it far from any goblins reach leaving the runner the only player who could pick it up. Goblins piled onto the runner trying desperately to stab, bite or chew at his legs so he couldn’t get the ball and then score. All was in vain as the gutter runner evaded with ease and then scored in turn 16 to end the game. 2-1 to the vile ratfings.


Snotgit Teefsteala, goblin entrepreneur and the team backer sat smoking his dwarf beard cigar, draped in his lizard skin managers jacket (which he obtained completely legitimately by skinning a defeated foe from the previous match). He smirked. He had bet, at excellent odds mind you, that at least 5 of the enemy would be unconscious at least by the end. From a goblin team that sounded ridiculous but he’d spoken to the boys “sod the ball jus break some sneaky ratfings” it had apparently paid off. A loss was a mild inconvenience. He calculated his winnings in teef on both fingers AND toes. This was going to be a good haul. Maybe even enough to buy one of those ‘evy ball swinga boys…


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

Any body seen Zoog around as I have sent a PM asking about when we will have our match and not heard back from him or seen him on TS recently.

Sorry, Del, I did get your PM, but it demanded a concrete answer, and I don't really have one, yet... :eek:

Particularly on weekdays he's not often around a huge amount due to his work commitments - I expect he will be around by the weekend, however.


In any case, tentatives times might be Thursday after the raid (~midnight), Friday after the raid (same) and Sunday afternoon (~5ish)...



In Cryo Sleep
Visiting family was never pleasant. Thatyth, wardancer and captain of the Lorien Longrunners knew this all too well. The Asrai don’t get on with many folk, the Bretonians think of their home, the verdant and shadowy forest of Lorien, as some kind of proving ground; the Asur are haughty and disdainful of her peoples’ choice to live in harmony with the forest rather than go back to the dreaming marble spires of Ulthuan; but worst of all are the Asrai and Asur’s cousins, the Druchii. The “dark Elves”, as they are called in the barbaric tongue of the Empire, have severed all ties with their Asur kin, much like the Asrai chose to do all those centuries ago. However, instead of choosing the peace and tranquillity that a deep spiritual connection to nature brings, they chose to live in the dark wastes of Naggaroth. They had laid waste to what little natural bounty that blighted land offered in order to build their dark spires and dread machines. It was too this blighted land that Thatyth and her Longrunners had come to play some Blood Bowl.

The two teams marched out onto the pitch, the Goldenmoor Backstabbers resplendent in their purple and black spiked padding and the Longrunners in their green shorts. Thatyth and Matalyth, the Longrunner Wardancers wore tank-tops on the insistence of the league manager out of some odd human concept of modesty. Mightybud looked awkward in his rags, though for all intents and purposes he was a tree and clothing did not come naturally. The Longrunners felt the loss of their friend and team-mate, Alamarra from their last game. However a young and nervous looking amateur player called Heven had stepped up to fill the gap, but his reliability was unknown. The players lined themselves up in their starting positions. The Longrunners had won the coin-toss and would be receiving the ball first.

The Blackmoor blitzer, whose name Thatyth knew to be Iththrin, took a long run-up and pelted the ball towards the Longrunner’s corner, however his kick was mis-aimed, and the ball landed in the crowd. Naganost, a fine young lineman, grabbed the ball and ran down the pitch and away from the Backstabber’s line. Thatyth had worked this play out a few days before, and it had gone well in a few practice matches, through granted it had been against teams much slower and less agile than the lithe Druchii they now faced. Mightybud and Al’anur forced a hole in the Backstabber’s line, and Matalyth and Heven pelted through. The other players fell back to support Naganost. Amalendil was floored by a lucky leg-sweep from Rianriorn, one of the Backstabber linemen and this break in play was enough to allow the Backstabbers to react.

The backstabbers quickly ran to mark Mightybud. He was a dangerous threat to their line to be sure, and could easily punch a hole through on his own, however their eagerness to take him down had left their right flank completely open. Thatyth grabbed the ball from Naganost and ran through the gap. Her keen eyes allowed her to judge the distance perfectly, she could feel the hot, dry wind on her exposed flesh, her nimble but strong hands allowed her to put the perfect amount of spin on the ball and with a quick snap of her supple arms allowed her to offload the ball to Matalyth. Matalyth caught the ball with ease and dodged away from the Druchii that was marking her. She pelted down to the end-zone and, with a triumphant yell, she scored the first point of the match. Thatyth couldn’t help but feel that her friend had been too rash in her decision to score this early, but what was done was done. They would have to adapt, and trying to delay against a team that was almost as fast as they were would be difficult to say the least.

It was the Asrai’s turn to kick, and Naganost sent the ball flying deep into the Druchii side. However, the Backstabbers’ long legs and quick nature allowed them to recover the ball with ease. The Backstabber lineman unloaded the ball with natural Elven grace and skill to one of their team’s blitzers, and then they begun their work on punching through the Longrunner line. Almost instantly, Trilyth was taken down and a hole had opened in Thatyth’s beautiful defensive line. The Longrunner’s would have to delay the Backstabber’s advance.

They began to surround the pocket that formed around the Backstabber’s ball, probing for some kind of weak spot in the hopes of punching through. Mightybud was obviously enjoying the barren, ashy ground and with a barky grin he plunged his roots into the dirt. He would be no help for this. Thatyth and Matalyth ran around to the back of the Druchii pocket in the hopes of taking advantage of its weakest point, however the Druchii began their work punching through the Longrunner’s line and closing their pocket. The ball advanced ever onward towards the Asrai goal.

Desperately, the Longrunners closed in around the Backstabbers’ cage, however all they could do was watch as Thatyth was knocked helplessly to the floor and a gaping hole was broken in their line. The Backstabbers poured through and a quick hand off allowed them to score, making the tally 1-1. Thatyth could see that if this game was to be won, they would have to put up a much better defence.

It was the Longrunners’ turn to receive, and the backstabber’s line already began with an enormous hole, allowing Heven, Thatyth and Amalendil to pour through. Matalyth grabbed the ball. They would try the same play again, though this time they would have the more difficult task of running down the middle, surrounded by Druchii. Luckily, enough players were marked that the Backstabbers would have a tough time filling the gap in their line.

Matalyth sprinted forwards and unloaded the ball to Amalendil. Quick as a flash, he dashed towards the Druchii goal and, rolling the ball over his shoulders, he casually tossed the ball to the ground. The score was 2-1 to the Longrunners. This little victory was a hollow one, however, as some deft blocks by the Backstabbers had left the Longrunners down to 9 players. This would be a tough defense from here on in, and it wasn’t the Asrai team’s strong point to begin with.

Amalendil kicked ball too shallow, and the Backstabbers were able to quickly open up a hole in the Longrunner’s right flank. Too add insult to injury, Uldir, a Backstabber lineman, stomped on Aethbane’s prone body badly hurting him. To Thatyth’s delight, Uldir was spotted by the referee and sent off, though it was a bittersweet moral victory as her Longrunners were now down to 8 players. Worse still, the Backstabbers were able to use this hole in her team’s defence to score yet another touchdown. The score was 2-2.

The Longrunners were set to receive and, luckily, the Backstabbers had sent the ball careening skywards. Thatyth deftly moved under the ball to catch it. The Longrunners were too thin on the ground to really pull off anything special, and the Backstabbers were quickly able to break through the Longrunner’s meagre defences. Before the worst could happen, however the referee called half-time.

Sitting in the locker room, the Longrunners despaired at what was to come. Thanks to some smelling salts, one of their lineman had come round, but that still left them with only 9 players. This would be a tough half.

Back on the pitch, it was the Backstabbers’ turn to receive. Quickly they punched a hole in the Longrunners’ right flank, and just as quickly they pocketed the ball. The Longrunners closed in with all the speed they could muster, but their flimsy frames and sparse armour were not enough to prevent the Backstabbers from breaking through. Quickly, and with ruthless efficiency, the Backstabbers downed the remaining Longrunners and scored their third touchdown. 3-2. Thatyth despaired for her broken brothers and began to resign herself to the fact that this game would be a write off. No. They would bring this back. They would win.

The Longrunners received the ball and the Backstabbers had left a massive gap in their defensive line. Quickly Mathalyth and Ballroth rushed through. This could be salvaged. Perhaps not a win, time was too short for that, but a draw could be achieved, and the Longrunners could leave with their heads held high. Quickly Thatyth passed to Mathalyth. The ball flew straight and true, but Mathalyth fumbled, and the ball dropped from her grasp. Tragedy! The Backstabbers rushed for the ball, but they too just could not get a grip. Sensing her opportunity, Mathalyth grabbed for the ball and rushed towards the goal. The Backstabbers sprinted to get to the ball, rage in their eyes with their victory slipping through their grasp. She quickly passed back to Amalendil, who tore down the pitch and just as the final whistle went, managed to score the Longrunners’ third touchdown. 3-3. The match had ended in a draw. Thatyth looked at the bodies of her beaten and bruised comrades. They would heal in time for the next match, though this one had been hard on both teams. Visiting family was never pleasant.


New Member
Hey, :)

Sorry, Del, I did get your PM, but it demanded a concrete answer, and I don't really have one, yet... :eek:


In any case, tentatives times might be Thursday after the raid (~midnight), Friday after the raid (same) and Sunday afternoon (~5ish)...


no worries dude, as my weekend starts today any of those times are ok for me. I was just worried as I usualy see you around the forums or on TS every couple of days and you seem'd to have dropped off the face of the internet.


Failed as normal. 1-0 to Huung. I killed one of his skinks though.


Well-Known Member
Failed as normal. 1-0 to Huung. I killed one of his skinks though.

Killed a free skink, so my team is still 12 strong for the next match!

The rolling from both sides was pretty appalling, but I think Gombol won on failed dodge rolls :p

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
So, just a gentle prod people, with the end of the week approaching...these are the games left to be played:

Zoogy vs Magosreborn
Children of the Damned vs Traxata
Waterproofbob vs Ronin Storm
Nanor vs Tempscire

This week is full of thrilling storylines, like 'will tempscire fail to organise a game until the VERY last second and keep his streak alive?' (Velaphor happily breaking his) and will anyone be able to keep up with the searing pace set by 'those guys'... (2 straight victories)

People still able to keep level include:
Bobrek's b4st4ards
Zoogy boys
and whatever Tempscire's orcs are called. I can't remember.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Hoy, :)

Ehm... blame it on the hour and the slight fever I seem to be running, but, whuh?


You won your first game. If you win you're second, you'll keep level on points with 'those guys'

Edit: I can see how it might look like i was implying you could keep level with Tempscire's ineptitude. That isn't the case. He's streets ahead.
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