Call of Duty 2


In Cryo Sleep
Is any1 going to play it on THN cos im getting it for christmas,just wondering hu else is gons get it


Well-Known Member
Me and Gibsonfire have got it, we play it a lot online and it's really good.

Do you mean who's going to play it in THN as in play it in a ladder?


Well-Known Member
Well, it consists of these groups of weapons.

SMG, Bolt action rifles, Self loading rifles, heavier SMG, sniper rifles and shotguns (noob weapon tbh)


I'm still not too sure about COD2, I loved the SP, but the multi (whilst Prettier) doesn't seem as fun as COD / COD:UO. Hopefully a patch will sort this, but last I heard Activision were being as bad as EA (has this changed?)

But I reccomend COD2 simply because the singleplayer is worth the cost alone. (ranger assault on D-Day anyone??? lol)


In Cryo Sleep
My lil bro got it for christmas, its actually (in contradiction to my previous statement) pretty good! Great sound and graphics, and mysteriously it seems to run faster than CoD 1. Im well up for any events or matches etc. Lock and Load!


In Cryo Sleep
wow tetsuo thats a change of view since i last herd ur opinbion on it lol, it loads in bout 30 secs!


New Member
Woo got it :D:D:D It's great!
Maybe this new-found popularity will justify a CoD2 group? Just a hint...

Tetsuo, y r u speakin lyk a Yank? Unless, of course, you are a yank...


In Cryo Sleep
Taffy said:
Tetsuo, y r u speakin lyk a Yank? Unless, of course, you are a yank...


Run like the wind or be hunted down by an irate scotsman with a taste for sugary treats!


In Cryo Sleep
Gopha said:
wow tetsuo thats a change of view since i last herd ur opinbion on it lol, it loads in bout 30 secs!

Yes it is, the demo wasnt really much compared to the real thing. That, and the fact I hadnt even played the demo myself, I just took my brothers word for it. Those damn brothers.

Taffy, a Yank? Oh, I get you. 'Lock and Load!' and 'bro'. Well I aint a yank goddamit y'all. Youd best be leaving me on my lonesome ya hear? Else mr '12 gauge' will be payin a visit to yo house. Now git!

No, Im really scottish. Id listen to tbone, hes talking absolute sense.


Meh I downloaded a version of it and it seems pretty easy. I don't like the fact there's no health bar and I also don'tlike the fact that you automatically heal :S.So in that respect I don't t hink I will go out and buy the full version.


In Cryo Sleep
I've finished the single player on it...and it is VERY GOOD, brings back memories of the epic moments in CoD1, MoH etc but with nicer graphics! :D If anyone wanted to start an event I'd certainly try and join in.


Woah, how old were you when you were kaning MOH Gopha?
If i was 10, then you must have been 8!!! woah disturbed ww2 childhood :p


In Cryo Sleep
CoD2's a wonderful game, i've really enjoyed it on a LAN i played (I kicked ass!), even the trenchgun owns as long as you have a level with trenches. :)

I don't suppose my copy will work online however ;) It's also a bit of a DoD clone, especially the weapons. Then again it does have other gametypes. Not played singleplay, but it seems at least a game that shines online. Untill you get bored of it....


In Cryo Sleep
hehe i blame my grandma, ive always liked history spesh world wars how sick am i, i was entraced in ww2 wen i was 8 lol,the good old days and on the second 1 u were a woman !!!! working for the french ,their imagination was gr8 actually finking the french did something lol, i also got halo and ut2004 now but they wnt work online :(


Well nice to see that people will be joining us!

Im in berlin at the moment in an internet cafe so im a bit pissed off cus my flight was cancelled and in staying a night in a hotel.

Anyway il be back tomorow and im up for going on some multiplayer tommorow night if anyone want to join me.



In Cryo Sleep
Gd stuff. Ill need to add all you lads to my xfire, its been a while since Ive played games on my PC.

incidentally, mines is lamborghinidiablo