Cata levelling rate


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

So I just logged on to my LX character to check something out, and for the hell of it, I typed a quick /who haven... and saw a bunch of level 83 characters and a level 84 character...

Am I to understand that the levelling process to 85 will take under a day?!



Started getting 85s on my new server today. Aparently took the world first 76 hours.


Well Aymasia was lvl84 some 2-3hours ago. So I asked him how long he has been online since the release of cata.
18 hours straight.


New Member
And while I'm here, it does seem rather ridiculous that you can level so fast. I thought they were going to drag this out some more. Still, there's always some people who will just grind through any number of levels - but that's no excuse.


In Cryo Sleep
I think its still taking a little while for us normal levelers ! Unlike some of the people on my friends list who are very much crazy and were lvl 85 this morning :D


In Cryo Sleep
I think theres enough content that you can take as long as you like to level.
Personally since there is 5 zones and 5 levels im doing a level per zone, then coming back to complete them at 85 for Loremaster.
At the rate of a level a zone im doing about half the zone in around ~3 hours, so thats ~6 hours for a complete zone x5.... and im going through at a decent rate. So thats 30+ hours of played time content, not including dungeons runs :D


Junior Administrator
That timestamp is from server time and since Cata went live at 00:00 server time I'm sure I'm right :)


New Member
It would be the timestamp for that character's server, so yeah 5 hours. And I am surprised, because that is shite holy armour she is wearing xD


In Cryo Sleep
As far as i can recall, both TBC and WoTLK saw their first max characters within the first 24hrs of play, so why on earth this is such a surprise for Cata i have no idea.

Also your making it sound like its a bad thing. Keep in mind its all about quality>quantity for leveling. Players don't want to take 2 months getting from lv 80-85 unless the leveling process was drastically different and even then its arguable. Also take into consideration that for those players who do want a new, fresh leveling experience that lasts longer than 80-85, well, Blizz didn't make Deathwing nuke Azeroth just for Show. They may have 'released' that content early but it is still a part of cataclysm.

Most importantly though, leveling from 80-85 is not what the expansion is about. WoW is all about endgame Players will be spending most their time on wow at Lv85 now, raiding, instancing and PvP-ing so why drag out the 80-85 leveling when it doesn't need to be drawn out.