Cata levelling rate


Well-Known Member
I haven't done an instance yet.. I'm wondering if I should do since I'm about to hit 84 which is above the max level in dungeon finder.

I'm just a bit nervous since tank (me) and healer (solemn) will probably be getting an earful from the wipes we'll no doubt cause on brand new content. Even though I know to be a careful puller this time around.. I don't know the boss fights and I don't want to read up; not out of laziness but cos it spoils the fun of new content.


I haven't done an instance yet.. I'm wondering if I should do since I'm about to hit 84 which is above the max level in dungeon finder.

You will cry when you see "Nearly 10,000,000 XP needed for level 85" :p


New Member
TBH I was a litle aprehensive about going into instances, however it is a learning experience and it's best to get used to the new places early. The problem is now you've hit 84 two of the instances will not be open to you due to too high a level (Black Rock Caverns and Throne of Tides) since they are listed as 80-83 on dungeon finder.


Well-Known Member
TBH I was a litle aprehensive about going into instances, however it is a learning experience and it's best to get used to the new places early. The problem is now you've hit 84 two of the instances will not be open to you due to too high a level (Black Rock Caverns and Throne of Tides) since they are listed as 80-83 on dungeon finder.

That's what I'm saying; I haven't hit 84, but I will soon. Also, am I right in thinking they're still "open" just not through dungeon finder?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

To be blunt Zooggy, your over reacting.

Well, I'm certainly reacting, but since I don't expect to do anything differently nor make any actual decisions based on this "information", I wouldn't really say I'm over-reacting. But that's neither here nor there. :D

The exact same thing happened in WoTLK

Actually, no.

Let me be specific. I logged in on the day of the expansion launch and I found that, out of about 15 people online, I found about 5 goblins in their high teens, low twenties (which is normal), two level 84's (which is odd, but acceptable, I suppose), about 8 level 83's, and zero level 80's, 81's, and 82'.

It's that last part that blows my mind. It's not that some people are levelling fast, it's that everyone is.

I understand that people don't want to take longer to level than to raid. I understand that it's a good thing that people spend more time in end game than in levelling. I'd welcome a 30% to 70% ratio. That's over twice the time in raids than in levelling. I'd understand a 25% to 75% ratio, that's 3:1. I'd even accept a 20% to 80%, or 4:1 ratio.

Even the overly-leisureliest of players is bound to get to 85 within a week, two at the very outermost. For a two-year expansion cycle, that's 2% to 98%, or a 49:1 ratio. I'm sorry, but that's just weird for me. (Even if they cut the expansion cycle in half, it's still a 24:1 ratio, which is still wrong.)

Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly glad to hear that everyone has tremendously enjoyed these past three days of levelling, and I'm certainly looking forward to it. But the levelling cycle has its advantages, even guild-wide and server-wide, that are being chucked down the tube for the dubious advantage of levelling to 85 in three days instead of three weeks.

That doesn't mean your words are without merit. I should level myself before shooting my mouth off about the content itself. :) Still, I'm reacting to what I saw so far, which I would venture, is the most anyone can do, ey? ;)



Well-Known Member
It's taken me more than three days to get to 83.5 and I had two of them off work! Still, I'm taking my time.

Maybe you don't remember too well but the other expansions had pretty fast levelling also. I know my mage went from 70-80 in under a week without grinding or putting in many hours. I would say the expansions were well over 95% "end game" using similar maths to your own.

Then again in all expansions you've only ever had to do like half (or less) of the new zones to hit the level cap. I don't think cata is any faster than wotlk. I think that you get out of the game what you put in, and thinking 85 is the end is just wrong. I'm gonna hit 85 then do the 2 zones I missed then do all oldworld for good measure. Then I'll do the same on alliance.


In Cryo Sleep
Zoog, your mostly seeing higher-level players online actually makes quite a bit of sense: it's there players who are online the most (that's why they're that high-level) while the players with lower levels are online less. The time you logged in at might also have had some influence on that.

There were plenty of people at lvl 81-82 when I was around late in the evening of launch day (including myself). In fact, they were outnumbering the higher-level players. Looks like you just missed them.


New Member
On the goblin front about a few level 80's, they are what you call Paid Character Race Change. A friend recently did one on his lvl 80 hunter to change it to Worgen.

It really, REALLY doesn't matter if you are levelling fast. Seriously, you are over-reacting even if you don't think youself to be doing so Zooggy and by basing it all on the few characters you saw online at the time. It is not easy levelling, yes it is a little faster but it is fun. It does not matter how fast or slow it is levelling, as long as people are having fun. Thats why people play games, is it not. To have fun. Not to sit their months on end trying to gain 5 measily levels... then having to do the same to all the other characters they have at level 80 and grinding those up. That is not fun.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

There were plenty of people at lvl 81-82 when I was around late in the evening of launch day (including myself). In fact, they were outnumbering the higher-level players. Looks like you just missed them.

Actually, that's fair enough, I suppose. It was about lunch time here in Lisbon, if I recall. I still find it jarring and weird, but I can readily concede that it was just a statistical fluke...



Well-Known Member
OK, just got to 85 and have to say zoog... all due respect you're usually the patient one, the level headed one.. and dare I say the one who is always "in the right". But for once, I find myself disagreeing with you!

I've not seen Hyjal yet, but so far every "80+" zone has been rich in content, story and lore. The quests have been fun. And I dont' think I've ever felt quite as engrossed in wow as I have during certain moments in the Twilight Highlands where there's at least two quest lines I can honestly say were truly "epic". I've noticed a lot of the writing in the quests this time around makes "you" feel like a real hero and a champion to the people. From the quests themselves, to how NPC's randomly give dialogue as you wander past. This was always missing in wow, this feeling of actually having power and being able to change the world.

That said, now it's end game and so far.. I don't know what it is.. but it's a bit of an anti climax. The dungeons don't excite me, which is a real shame. Could be I'm just not a fan of tanking anymore.. could be that there's no epixx in heroics so what's the point gearing up for them. Honestly I just don't know.

Ending on a positive note though.. I was blown away with the high level new content.. and now I have the level 1-60 horde/alliance zones to re-visit since they're more or less re-written. If they're written in a similar fashion to the high end quests, I'm very much looking forwards to going through them.

If you add together the new content and the re-written oldworld content, this is by far the "Biggest" expansion to date.

p.s. Goblin starting story rawwwks!


Well-Known Member
I find myself agreeing with Gombol... THE CATACLYSM HAS DESTROYED ALL SENSE.


I've heard people saying good things about Vashj'ir, but what little I've done didn't seem anything like as good as Hyjal, and Hyjal appealed to me far more as a lore fan (Goldrinn, Avianna, Cenarius, and Jarod Motherfucking Shadowsong \o/ )


Junior Administrator
I haven't done Hyjal yet but Vashj'ir did nothing except annoy me at times. The fact that it's all underwater made it very difficult to guage the distance from you to another mob - this meant that quite often you'd pull a couple more than you wanted, add to that the fact that its a starting area so there are certain areas that have VERY fast respawn rates (in some areas mobs were just constantly spawning faster than I could kill them) and While I'm not saying it's bad, I think there are quirks like above that means it's not AWESOME.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Vashj'ir is even worse when you are a melee :) getting in range.... I tended to find myself pulling with Faerie fire just to ensure I pulled it right each time.

Been going through each area thoroughly, Mt Hyjal, Vashj'ir, Deepholm and now up to Uldum. Each area has it's own feel and I love that each area is linked to one of the 4 elements. I only get on 2 days a week usually (managed to have a solid go last wednesday too). So far I am mid 84 and feel myself getting weaker as we go :)

But definetly lovingg the quests and overall feel to it. Definetly having quest hubs makes it a lot more fluid to quest in.