Champion of the Naaru :)


In Cryo Sleep
If anyone is interested in obtained the "Champion of the Naaru" title and doing the presquests, could they please contact me in game :D


In Cryo Sleep
What do you actually have to do to get the prequests? Do you have to be exalted with someone? Do you have to be Kara attuned?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

You need to do the Cypher of Damnation quest line, which starts with the quest The Hand of Gul'dan, given by Earthmender Splinthoof, in Shadowmoon Village.



Well-Known Member
Aye, as Zooggy said, you go to Shadowmoon and do that quest chain, then you receive a mail to say that Khadgar in Shattrath wants to talk with you, and then you talk to A'dal, who'll give you quests to get drops from Heroic Mumur and Kalithresh, defeat Skyriss on Heroic without Millhouse Manastorm dying, and to do the timed Heroic Shattered Halls run. When you've done all those, you have to go kill Maggy. That's half of it done (the old TK attunement).

The other half is the old SSC attunement, which is the quest from the caged naga partway through Heroic Slave Pens, and he wants you to get a drop from Nightbane and Gruul.

Once you've done both, bam, Champion.


Well-Known Member
Kinda want to get round to it on Arithidrimme... hmm... have to see how far I am through the Cypher chain first


In Cryo Sleep
Muahahaha I have it! Also have the "of the Shattered Sun" title, and I just got a shiny new hippogryph! Though I've actually quit wow, so I'm considering selling my account, how much do you reckon I cud make? :P

EDIT: forgot, also have hand of ad'al! muahaha!


Well-Known Member
Also have the "of the Shattered Sun" title

That's not even a real title :p

Dunno how much accounts go for. Generally keep out of that, don't approve of account/gold/service buying/selling. But if you have decent gear, should be able to get a fair bit.


Well-Known Member
I only found out yesterday my beta key could have been sold for like £70, that would have been a much better use of it tbh ^^


In Cryo Sleep
well yea, wind, I'm around 4th or 5th best geared shadowpriest on my server, but yea your right, might just keep it in case I want to play it in wotlk :P


In Cryo Sleep
Hehe, too bad I'm alliance for you all, I'm a NE so highest race shadowpriest DPS with starshards thrown into the equation, but for being one of the best geared, I'm definitely one of the more skilled ones :P. I did a trial raid with a guild raiding sunwell, and beat the other Shadow Priests in my, quite frankly, subpar gear to theirs. I mean, these were guys with full t6 etc. gear and I was sitting there beating them in my badge/ZA/MH and BT gear from the 1st few bosses in MH/BT. So, my advice to all, Do not be discouraged by having subpar gear in relation to others, just work your butt of and you'll see miracles happening :D.