Hehe, too bad I'm alliance for you all, I'm a NE so highest race shadowpriest DPS with starshards thrown into the equation, but for being one of the best geared, I'm definitely one of the more skilled ones. I did a trial raid with a guild raiding sunwell, and beat the other Shadow Priests in my, quite frankly, subpar gear to theirs. I mean, these were guys with full t6 etc. gear and I was sitting there beating them in my badge/ZA/MH and BT gear from the 1st few bosses in MH/BT. So, my advice to all, Do not be discouraged by having subpar gear in relation to others, just work your butt of and you'll see miracles happening
And humble too, don't forget you're the most humble shadowpriest on your server! Not like every thread I've stumbled into so far you've been telling us how sublimely win you are or anything....
-anyhoo-, rather eager to get these heroics done and dusted. Steamvaults is no big thing but people have a mental block about Labs and Shattered Halls. Arcatraz isn't too painful if you know the place and have at least 1 interrupter. I'd offer to tank em but my gears got a long way to go before I'm up to that, darn offspecs...
As it is, if someone is willing to do a heroic-athon one of these days, or get 1 done a day or something, would be pure win. Frankly, the badges don't hurt either