[EVE] Cheap eve time 90 days for £3


Active Member
How do i log into 2 chars at once, when i try i get this msg:

While we appreciate your enthusiasm to try EVE, we would also appreciate if you could limit yourself to using a single trial or subscription accounts only.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I'm sorry Ronin, I didn't like X3 at all. Freelancer is more "my type" of a spaceshooter. Maybe this will change someday but right now I don't think that its something I want to try. Sorry again.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
No need to apologise. If, from my comparison with X3, you discovered you wouldn't like this game then that's a success in my books. :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
How do i log into 2 chars at once

Do you mean that you're trying to have two EVE clients running at the same time? If so, that error message might mean that they don't allow running multiple clients when one of your accounts is still a trial account.

For the record, I've now put an extra 30 days on both RoninStorm and Vidaura but I've run out of interest so I'll stop there. ;)


Staff member
How is the steam gift charged? When it is sent or when it is redeemed?

ie. could I buy a ton and just keep making new buddy invites every month to redeem them with?


Junior Administrator
It works as soon as you download the client you get a URL with a checksum in it to log in with a trial account.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
As far as I can tell, a Steam gift is charged immediately and sent immediately but it is not processed until the recipient opens their gift. It seems to be a gift-in-waiting up to that point.

I've paid for my gifts both from my main Steam account via PayPal and I've had immediate PayPal receipts both times.


Active Member
The error is to prevent a trial acc and a full account from being run on the same machine, its nice how though you dont need to keep installing eve.


Active Member
I found something out, you can purchase eve as a gift more than twice and name only 1 acc as the recipient as long as you dont accept it on the other acc, then you can save it as a gift for later, cus no matter how many steam accs have to be made its cheaper than an eve sub. Unfortunatly i accepted a gift on my second acc, and now i have a gift left on my main acc, but i cant order more without another acc to reject them.

Though, i can send invites back from the 2nd acc to the first acc.