Civ V - February Patch


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Pardon my ignorance, but what is a vertical empire?



Active Member
It's fancy talk for a small empire with very highly developed cities (all the buildings and tile improvements etc.) as opposed to a horizontal empire where you have lots and lots of smaller cities that don't have as many improvements.

I started with a vertical empire, but after the recent war and the conquest of the Americans I have a massive bunch of puppet cities that have been causing revolts all over the place due to massive unhappiness, which I could cure more easily by fully annexing the cities and buying court-houses/theatres but that would be expensive and drain my science/culture. Methinks the AI is smarter than it seems. . . .


Junior Administrator
An empire with a few very large cities, as opposed to lots of small-medium sized cities.

If you decide that you want to concentrate more on a couple of cities then you are not penalised for doing so as much anymore


Active Member
I always end up building a small empire because I forget to build settlers and it takes so darn long to do! Though Liberty or whatever the Classical policy is called sounds like it is also *much* better for going the horizontal route. It seems that they've tried hard to make it a bit easier to choose which path you want to take.


Junior Administrator
Methinks the AI is smarter than it seems. . . .

Speaking of which - in the game I started yesterday, Nebuchadnezzar II started giving me a load of crap, and Ceasar then pipes up and goes "this guy's being a nuisance, let's make his day worse" so I'm all like "SURE!" and go to war, claiming the only 2 cities this guy had for myself.

NOW I've got all 4 Civs I'm stuck on this continent with (INCLUDING The Romans... conniving little bastards) throwing denouncements my way and generally believing that I'm a warmongering menace to the world.

...They are right of course, but they aren't all supposed to know that yet :D

They did, however, make up my mind that I shall be proving their beliefs correct. :D


Active Member
Yeah, the AI do seem to spend a lot of time coming to me going "hey, we should totally go to war with these guys" and then leaving you up the river if you do. . . .

Update! If you ever want me to invade you until you all die, try nuking two of my three non-puppeted cities, silly Russians. . . .