CivIV - Games in Progress


Active Member
I offered peace after I took Hamburg, the destruction of things around Berlin only happened because you had the gall to defend yourself. ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm around to finish it off too!

Well, you're in your place now Xarlaxas. Stay there. :)


Active Member
We will see about that, my people have the rights to that land and the culture that you are oozing over my territory!


Junior Administrator
None of these games will continue tonight as I'm playing CoD4 instead.

Don't let that stop you lot starting another game though.

To successfully host a Direct IP Civ4 game you need to forward TCP and UDP of port 2056 to your computer from your router.


Active Member
We had a game (Dragon, Tets, and myself), the AI's owned us, hard. . . .

Tets was killed by the Romans as was Dragon, while I barely held on fighting a war on two fronts against the English and French. T_T


Well-Known Member
We had a game (Dragon, Tets, and myself), the AI's owned us, hard. . . .

Tets was killed by the Romans as was Dragon

tbh in the end it was the malinese and the french that killed me ^^ but seriously the ai is incredibly strong!

EDIT: Especially those suckar italians!


Junior Administrator
We had a game (Dragon, Tets, and myself), the AI's owned us, hard. . . .

Tets was killed by the Romans as was Dragon, while I barely held on fighting a war on two fronts against the English and French. T_T

tbh in the end it was the malinese and the french that killed me ^^ but seriously the ai is incredibly strong!

EDIT: Especially those suckar italians!

Seems like I'm gonna have to show you how to do it properly :p


Junior Administrator
Just because you're a war-monger doesn't mean you have to corrupt our peace-loving peoples. ;-;

no but for the right price I can STOP you from being attacked...

Then force you to become a vassal state.

Thereby owning your ass quite literally.



Well-Known Member
The more you continue this façade of peace loving, Xarl, the harder I shall come down on you. :)