Cod6: MW2 Steam or Shop


Junior Administrator
So i'm curious on people thoughts.

Is CoD 6 going to come out on steam,

If so when and are people going to walk to a shop or buy it online.

I'm mainly thinking for the I-series here tbh


Junior Administrator
well we'll know the same week.

If it aint on steam on the 10th, I'm gonna get it from GAME or wherever, bearing in mind that i38 is 3 days after.

Though I wouldn't be surprised to see Activision at i38 selling it there either


Well-Known Member
I usually have nothing against buying through steam... but for some odd reason the second you brought up which to buy from i instantly wanted to shop it. The meat puppet in Game however reliably informed me that unless i reserved a copy i 'wasnt going to get one,' quote. So we'll see


Junior Administrator
Another issue with this is that according to some websites I have seen today, the PC version of this is delayed by anything from 2-4 weeks, though the console versions are not.

Go figure.

Not officially confirmed by Activision yet though


Well-Known Member
Another issue with this is that according to some websites I have seen today, the PC version of this is delayed by anything from 2-4 weeks, though the console versions are not.

Go figure.

Not officially confirmed by Activision yet though

Hopefully this means all the impatient 12 year olds who scream down their mic will buy it on console, and the PC game experience will be nicer as a result :)


Console verisons are obviously going2b easy2code.

I will download MW2 from steam 2 months after it has been released. Games released on the PC essentially go through a public beta testing phase, they will likely have bugs/more than fair share of crashes.

2 patches after MW2 PC release and I expect this game will be pretty solid.


Junior Administrator
I'm not actually 100% sure i see the problem with this tbh. If it works, then whats the issue. The matchmaker works fine for MW1 on console, and it's a far easier way of managing resources by using a cloud.

I'm still going to go ahead and buy this, don't knock it till you've tried it bloke


Junior Administrator
I'm not actually 100% sure i see the problem with this tbh. If it works, then whats the issue. The matchmaker works fine for MW1 on console, and it's a far easier way of managing resources by using a cloud.

I'm still going to go ahead and buy this, don't knock it till you've tried it bloke

The issue is the fact that we aren't going to be able to have modded versions of the game, this means effectively that there will be no competitive CoD. All public servers that are unmodded for CoD suck on the PC. Perks and certain weapons take all skill and fun out of the game. Sure for having a quick public game then it is fine to have a matchmaker. But for scrims this system even if there is a private version of it will suck.

STOP making all PC games consoley. Consoles are fine, they have there place. The reason MW1 was good on the PC and the reason I actually still play it is because there are mods like promod and gungame mods and the like that are either much more suited to match play due to experienced gamers making them that way or are just more fun than public servers.

I really hope there is either some silver lining to this or they change it, otherwise this may well suck balls. I was really looking forward to a new competitive CoD game. I will still be buying it as I want the SP and will for a short time give the mp system the benefit of the doubt but I'm very very dubious.


Junior Administrator
I can't confirm this as i'm upstairs and lazy, but i'm pretyt sure even on MW1 the customisable options for priate game were reasonably comprehensive, including stuff like removing unlocks and stuff. So it might be alright. I'm prepared to wait and see on this one


This is an absolute disaster for the PC version of MW2.

Keep the simplified version for consoles and simple minded boys.

Allow(as they have always did) the customisable version for PC's and serious gamers.

I do wonder why they are doing this?! it's bound to not go down very well with the serious PC fps Gamer.