New Member
I don't know a single person with Norton that hasn't had some kind of problem with it...
You do now! No problem with Norton as of yet. I was led to believe they are the God of Anti-Virus. Have I been mis-guided???
I don't know a single person with Norton that hasn't had some kind of problem with it...
I don't know a single person with Norton that hasn't had some kind of problem with it...
Now I'm sorry if my last post offended you, but try to see it from my point of view. You, are making an assumption that Norton is very problematic, based on your group of friends, which makes up a minuscule percentage of Norton users. If you would have said the same thing but you got your verdict from a more substantial source, I wouldn't have been so mad. In a way, I guess you could say your post offended me.
What have you ordered?
Novatach? NNNoooooo!