Company of Heroes - Technical Assistance please


New Member
I don't know a single person with Norton that hasn't had some kind of problem with it...

You do now! No problem with Norton as of yet. I was led to believe they are the God of Anti-Virus. Have I been mis-guided??? :eek:


Junior Administrator
I don't know a single person with Norton that hasn't had some kind of problem with it...

Look like I need to expand on this comment a little further... put simply What I mean is that Norton is actually a very good anti-virus/internet security program. The problem is its too good sometimes!

I don't know if its some inital setting that you do when you first set it up or whatever... but very few people I know that have norton have been problem-free when it then comes to running their applications (normally games) and having them work correctly. Yes i know there is a simple box you tick to allow the program... but in Kirby's case that had already been done with that and other applications and yet they still were not connecting to the internet correctly.

Just my previous experiences with Norton...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thanks for that clarification, thatbloke. Leaves me needing to clarify how I differ... :)

I've had some bad experiences with Norton. Sure, it does its appears to do the job of protecting your system just fine, but I've also had it enter a weird state where the system stopped working completely. Then I tried to uninstall it and that totally screwed the system to the point of requiring a ground-up reinstall. Now, it's possible that some other things were going wrong at the same time, but you don't put yourself up for that experience twice, do ya? ;)

That was their 2003/4 product range, IIRC, so maybe I'm holding a grudge against their product for no good reason any longer...?


Well-Known Member
I always buy the latest version of Norton protection suite, that currently is 07, with all of the previous installments of it I have had no problems. Games not working properly in conjunction with Norton can be solved easily by changing Norton's settings or at the more extreme approach, turning it's services off completely during play.

Now, one popular misconception is that Norton is a resource hog, well it's actually not at all very resource intensive. I get no performance increase or decrease when I start when I start Norton.

Ronin Storm, I've had the same sort of thing happen with some of the freeware AV's and FW's I used to use, it was rather often too, that's when I switched to using Norton back in 03 and the problem never happened again.

Now I'm sorry if my last post offended you, but try to see it from my point of view. You, are making an assumption that Norton is very problematic, based on your group of friends, which makes up a minuscule percentage of Norton users. If you would have said the same thing but you got your verdict from a more substantial source, I wouldn't have been so mad. In a way, I guess you could say your post offended me.


In Cryo Sleep
Now I'm sorry if my last post offended you, but try to see it from my point of view. You, are making an assumption that Norton is very problematic, based on your group of friends, which makes up a minuscule percentage of Norton users. If you would have said the same thing but you got your verdict from a more substantial source, I wouldn't have been so mad. In a way, I guess you could say your post offended me.

Keep this out of the forums please.[/mod]


Active Member
What have you ordered?


I didn't want a wireless one or anything too fancy, and this one seemed to be more than adequate. May be slightly on the pricey side for a wired router, but, given how much I've spent building this PC for online gaming, I thought it would be stupid to be stingy when buying a router. :D


Well-Known Member
Wireless enabled routers aren't much more than bog standard ones, the wireless could also come in handy =o.

On the subject of networks, I saw a gadget in PCG not long ago, which "projects" a PC network through your house's mains wiring, interesting =o.


In Cryo Sleep
Novatach? NNNoooooo!

It does look quite sexy though...

Have you got it yet? Ye olde website reckons it's shipped the same day :).

No more technical assistance ftw!

And, more opponents for Pia to play ftw!

Incidentally, are you having any problems connecting and playing using Relic Online, Ronin? If not, I do believe a game is in order... Panzer Pansy :p.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Please let us know how you get on with it! My Linksys WRT54GS is dying by parts and I'd like to replace it at some point, so if this one works well for you for CoH and such then that looks like a good option.