[Computer] A Good Deal?


Well-Known Member
BiG_D is right (once again). XP is the most feasible option at the moment because of the drivers, or lack thereof, in Vista. 6 months and everything will be dandy. If you can dual boot then bob's your uncle. That said, Piacular has Vista and as Fury said he has Vista and everything runs smooth..


Junior Administrator
BiG_D is right (once again). XP is the most feasible option at the moment because of the drivers, or lack thereof, in Vista. 6 months and everything will be dandy. If you can dual boot then bob's your uncle. That said, Piacular has Vista and as Fury said he has Vista and everything runs smooth..

32-bit vista is ok at the mo its the 64-bit editions that have had some driver issues, the drivers are out there but you have to really hunt to get them and tbh xp is safe and working do I'd say stick with XP for the time being, this i suppose is easy for me to say as I get all my OS stuff free thro uni.


Junior Administrator
BiG_D is right (once again). XP is the most feasible option at the moment because of the drivers, or lack thereof, in Vista. 6 months and everything will be dandy. If you can dual boot then bob's your uncle. That said, Piacular has Vista and as Fury said he has Vista and everything runs smooth..

it is almost true, although you only have to look at his signature to see my mistakes :P

From first hand experience with vista home premium, its got good bits and bad bits, I've only have to reinstall it once in 4 months, so compared to XP which i had to reinstall at least once every two weeks when that was new ( this can be backed up due to how Early Service pack 2 was released ) there is a vista service pack on its way, so I'd say stick with your XP until that turns up, however just wait and see what the general consensus is as i'm sure there may be some large problems cause that will require some hot fixes ..


Junior Administrator
Yeah I'm not touching vista for at least 6 months. its all very pretty but the gamers choice has to be xp still for a while yet.

Yeah, agreed. As has been said here, the 64-bit versions of Windows (both XP and Vista) are frankly terrible in terms of driver support for a wide range of hardware and it'll take at least a year or so before that will change sufficiently to make the transition.

Taffy is most sensible in opting to get both systems but to use XP first - it's the platform of choice for gaming for the next six months at least, and we'll see what happens beyond that.

It's quite comical also to see the hardcoded restrictions - usually a quick hex edit is enough to enable new OS support (anyone remember Doom3 and the Windows 98 tweak?) so it will be interesting to see if this holds true for some of the other "Vista-only" games.


Junior Administrator
Do not go with MESH. a collegue at my work is still trying to get a working computer 3 months after sending it back to them (it was new) with faults.

Sec6nded, My parents previous computer was a y2000 mesh pc and we had no ends of trouble with it!


Junior Administrator
lol, Mesh machines, endless bad rep for bad customer service ( the company has gone into submission sooo many times and then comes back again with a new owner just to go back into the grave!

speaking of mesh PC's my Linux server is an Ex mesh ( it still says mesh, but well.. the parts have had to be changed due to executions of itself... )