Donating to TheHavenNet Server

Ronin Storm

Staff member
As you probably know if you're reading this, TheHavenNet runs a public server for a variety of games, including Alien Swarm and Natural Selection, and others by popular request. We also host a TeamSpeak server and any other bits and pieces that this community find useful or interesting.

The games server currently costs us 88 euros per month. This is paid for by the generous donations of our community. No donations, no server. It's pretty much that simple.

All funds donated go into the pot to keep TheHavenNet games server running. To show we're a straight-up bunch of guys, we post and maintain the current balance of our server fund in this forum.

SgtFury is currently the treasurer for this fund so if you have any specific questions please do not hesitate to contact him.

There's a handy donations link in the FAQ that will allow you to donate in a one-off fashion.

If you think you'd like to donate in an ongoing fashion, we've a neat little subscription that you can take up. It's just a way of automatically debitting your PayPal account each month with a small donation (2, 5, or 10 euros -- your choice) to keep things ticking over automagically.

You can take out a monthly subscription on the payments page or from the Paid Subscriptions link in your User CP.

If you have any questions or problems with the subscription system, contact me by PM and I'll do my best to help.

Let me stress that donations are optional but critical to the existence of TheHavenNet server. If you've got a little beer money spare (okay, maybe pizza money?) then send it this way and you'll not regret it! :)

[edit]Updated cost of server per month to reflect actual cost.[/edit]


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Since the change in the forums we have lost the server status box so here is the state of play for the server funds as of the 29th December:

Server Donations Current Amount: 35.50 Euros
Amount needed for around about the 5th January: 88 Euros

I realise Ronin mentioned above 92 but they seem to have been charging us 88 Euros for the last 3 months even though it was supposed to have gone up.
So we could really do with some donations to keep the server going.




Staff member
piss poor this month, unfortunately, can barely afford the rent :/ I'll donate for the february payment.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've donated 5 euros via the inbuilt subscriptions system, so I'll be automatically donating 5 euros each months for the foreseeable future. Can't afford more as I blew my spare on vBulletin.


Staff member
I dropped a little something into the pot. Speaking of vBulletin, did you guys get the cash you needed for it, or is part of it still unpaid?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Update on Status: 80Euros

We have about 80 Euros in the kitty at the moment thank you very much to everyone who has donated this month! But we are still a little below the grand target. So if anyone has a little spare cash or fancy's making a regular donation (even a small one) via the subscriptions mentioned by Ronin, please please do!




In Cryo Sleep
I'm a bit on the rocks at the moment Fury. I'll donate £20 on the 20th when I get paid. I'm also planning on taking up a subscription once I'm settled for cash.


In Cryo Sleep
Just sent £10.00, enjoy. :)

Are there other methods than Paypal for paying? My Paypal account doesn't have much in, the only money in it is what I got from selling my GeForce4 on eBay, which isn't much.


In Cryo Sleep
If you have a credit or debit card (Which most bank accounts offer as standards these days) you can set paypal up so you can transfer money from your bank account to you paypal account when you want/need it.


In Cryo Sleep
i would love to donate but i dont have a job because of my age :mad:
so i have to wait untill i begin basic trainging with the army in september before i start making real money


Staff member
Just setup a paid subscription for 10 EUR / month. The more people who setup a montly payment the easier it will make fury's job so help out if you can afford to please. Thanks


I am willing to put £5 in... Not a huge amount like you big spenders out there... £20's and £10's flying around!!

Um, my paypal thing is fooked atm, so i will get that sorted tonight!



After the long-awaited arrival of a debit card (woo :p) I'm now slogging through the long process of paypal-verification. Once that's done I'll chip in a tenner (once converted to Euro's of course, that could be a headache :p)

Secondly, whilst it's no issue for me (once verification is done) might you consider a one-off donation method that bypasses paypal accounts etc.
i.e simply putting in an amount and paying via credit/debit such as you would on an online store?

Could that simplify the donation process?

Finally, in my bank account, I work in denominations of £10, unfortunetly due to an interest charge 2 summers back (lol) my balance is something like £83.52
Would you guys be interested in the more-random denomination as well (i.e in this example £13.52) so I can clear my account) or would you prefer I kept it simple?



So like could i donate... um like £7.35, because i like to have a nice round figure in my account.. you no... ROUND



£12.32 Donated via Paypal,

Echeque which I presume means it'll have to clear my account first, could somebody give me a holla if it arrives safely.