Donating to TheHavenNet Server


Staff member
Nope not misleading - we're doing just fine for now. Just need to finish the final payment for valueserver. All good :) at this rate we'll be able to afford two servers ...


In Cryo Sleep
I will be starting a subscription but la gf is now unemployed so whenever we go out im paying lol, but after august should be good for me :)


Well-Known Member
WTF Gopha, you can't expect her to be employed! :p

She's 16.. wait.. I bet she's 18! :p


Staff member
I like how you make it sound like she would pay for stuff if she had money... ;)


Atm we have to pay £23 each but if people help that will go down. And £23 is for 3 months


Active Member
eamo said:
Atm we have to pay £23 each but if people help that will go down. And £23 is for 3 months

Are you talking about a BF2 server there eamo? I seem to remember Kirby throwing that sort of figure around when I talked to him about it.

If that is what you mean, I should point out that this thread is about the general THN server. The one on which (while it was up) was running BF2 as well as several other games. I never used it for the other games so I'm not sure which ones they were, but I do know it's not BF2 specific.

Also, if you check this thread, you can get some more info on the status of the dead server (Serenity) and the outlook for the new one (probably Prometheus).


Well-Known Member
That's been bothering me for a while... Serenity is down yet THN #2 AlienSwarm server is still online...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Haven said:
at this rate we'll be able to afford two servers ...

Yeah, I wouldn't get your hopes up. The donations pool may only be enough for six months of hosting, and we've been doing poorly on donations over the past five/six months, with just a handful of marked exceptions.


Staff member
Yeah I know that was said very tongue in cheek :) We're doing well to afford a single server and its an impressive feat in and of itself... but we can dream of racks and racks of uber gaming kit - our own personal harem's of servers ...

*wanders off to take a cold shower*


Staff member
Its run from his home - they have nice net connection speeds in the netherlands damn them :)


In Cryo Sleep
ok on friday i shall start my monthly donation!

now i have my money sorted i can give ya some pennies every month.

depending on the server cost we maybe could do a mass donate weekend where everyone has to donate wen they log on!!

or mayeb not! its not like we can do a fun run or a car wash! soo anoying!


Staff member
depending on the server cost we maybe could do a mass donate weekend where everyone has to donate wen they log on!!

Thats not so much "donating" as forced payment. Thats not what we are about - everyone is welcome whether you can afford to donate or not :)


In Cryo Sleep
haven said:
Thats not so much "donating" as forced payment. Thats not what we are about - everyone is welcome whether you can afford to donate or not :)

I was being sarcastic!!!! :D