Empire: Total War


In Cryo Sleep
Anyone got this yet?

Hows multiplayer (can we play team games :P)

I think me and nannums as English and Irish Vs Pia as LE FRENCH!

yea i went there.


Active Member
I have it, but haven't played it too much, it confuses me too much, which I think shows how stressed I am at the moment. T_T

Used to be very good at Total War games, though this one is a lot more complcated as well, makes me think of Total War and Civilisation having a bastard child, I do love it though!

I'd be up for multi-player definitely once I've figured out how to play in a non-Medieval style. :)


Well-Known Member
Might be getting this, big fan of the series, but I have heard bad stuff about the combat system (Line battles and naval battles being stale).

Will know if I'm gonna get it or not when I finally get around to the demo!


In Cryo Sleep
Ah, oui!

J'mappelle Piacular avec les skillz impressionnantes.

Nous Français battrons solidement vos derriere!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Ah non, monsieur Piacular n'est pas l'homme, parce que je suis l'homme! Mes bataillons sont prêts à le détruire!

Ah, mais si nous sommes tous deux en français, alors peut-être que nous devrons être sur la même équipe...?


Staff member
Add a Quebec accent, and this is pretty much the typical Canadian's nightmare.


Well-Known Member
Gah, wait 'til Decky see's this thread. He'll have a god damned field day. Will write report tomorrow!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)


I think he just called you a son of a sweatshirt, there...




In Cryo Sleep
Oui, la même équipe est bonne. Ensemble nous détruirons serions des gagnants.

Mais vous devez admettre, je suis l'homme!


In Cryo Sleep
Ahhh bon, le francais! Je peux etre membre de l'équipe francais, ou espagnol, si tu prefere et si il y a un equipe espagnol.

Porque puedo hablar en espanol tambien, es un idioma muy bien y me gusta mucho. Pero hay un equipo espanol? Si hay un éjercito espanol, estoy el lider de este equipo.

Mais j'ai besoin des renseignements parce que je n'ai pas cet jeu vidéo. C'est bon? C'est trop dificile pour moi? (parce que je ne suis pas tres bien avec les "RTS"s. :p) J'aimerais jouer avec vous, mais je n'ai pas aucune envie de perdre tous les guerres ;).

And if you guys want, I can also be on the Irish team as I am from Belfast after all! Where's that damn report you've been promising Nanorz?! This is need-to-know ASAP info, so get it up here now! :)

......I love foreign languages :D.


In Cryo Sleep
Currently it can go spin on itself at the moment, it crashed 6 times in the space of an hour.


Staff member
Yes, I like how quick save games can get corrupted, so that if you change your mind about something you might end up having to replay a few hours. I'm putting it on hold until I see some patches.


Well-Known Member
So I was playing as the Maratha Confederacy (Indians. The Hindu Indians, not red Indians...) and I had taken over all of India and was just about to attack America. With all the new research people where getting discontent and I was asked whether to side with the rebels or the government. I thought "Fuck it, change has gotta happen eventually." I immediately lost all my cities and got one army of a generals bodyguard and 5 armed peasantry.

Seems I lost that campaign. :(

EDIT: Seems a patch has been released.

Fixed Alt-Tab issue which prevents players from switching away from a fullscreen window

Fixed text rendering for certain resolutions

Fixed localized font overrun issues

Fixed a variety of crash and memory leak issues

Fixed a variety of multiplayer client lock

Fixed trade nodes for those nations with resource in home region which caused unprofitable trade theatre routes eg: Sweden and Marathas

Yes! Thank God!


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah. Its a good game, and the patch did fix the incredibly annoying crash issues.
Im playing as English, and in following English tradition, i promptly declared war on France and Spain, which are easily beaten assuming you never EVER use auto.
Naval battles are amazing, my only problem with the English navy, is its lack of a "powerful" tradeing ship, the Indianman is a poor substitute for the Galleon that say, the pirates and Spanish have.
Land battles as a whole are cool, fortresses are fun, though for some reason the AI has the strange need to do a lap around the walls before actually trying to get inside?
Apart from the crash problems with the release version im very impressed with it as is my friend... who has been talking about it since it was a announced.
Actually... my homeworks been lacking since it was released *oops*


In Cryo Sleep
Funny you should say that, i avoid land auto like the plague, because i can easily outplay the computer (who is a numpty, grapeshot ftw) but i SUCK at naval (how rude!) honestly, i can go in with 5 ships and come out with 1, so i leave that too the comp

At the moment i think there is a bug that dosent take traits into account if you load your game in a state where your fighting a battle before the turn ends for example

3:1 odds of me loosing
Automatch = Rape, RULE BRITANNIA!
Load battle
Oh noes i lose
(and this happens no matter how many times you reload)

Oh and me want galleons!


Well-Known Member
So is Empire Total War worth buying, or is it an "I play it for 2 weeks and then never again"-game?

I might consider buying and eben playing it with you guys (if possible) as you can get it for 50% off on Steam till Monday.
