Euro Army First Look

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In Cryo Sleep
well DICE have bollockeds this up, its all american soldiers with different uniforms, the spec ops and medic are british paras because of their red berret, the weapons are european


In Cryo Sleep
no red berret= some meaty crazy para, i have a mate in the paras, the red berret is a trade mark like the marine's berret is green, and the non-special forces get navy blue, the red caps are fake paras lol


In Cryo Sleep
no marines are the NAVYS infantry but they are also special forces, so if you go into a ARMY careers office and say i want to be a marine you will get a slap and sent to the NAVY careers office, as i am joining the cheshire regiment i will have no contact with marines and in 2007 my regiment goes to afganistan if all is well i will join them there


In Cryo Sleep
The colour of the caps are linked to the different regimental roles. Para's have a burgundy red, Marines green, Royal artillery is black I think, the MP have bright red caps, not sure what colour the RAF regiment is. I think it's a shade of blue. Will have to ask my mate Atkins as he's a bastard officer in the regiment.

Dunno if anyone can add to that.



In Cryo Sleep
Royal arty is blue as is every other regiment, appart from para, marines, and guards as they have a sickly greeny brown


In Cryo Sleep
Actually this might sound really n00bish but do some sections of the armed forces go into combat with berets on? Just seems a bit stupid that they could have a helmet instead.


Depends what they're up to.

Full on assault : Helmet and body armour to the max

Patrol : Soft Cap and un-threatening equipment.


lol - I never seen a para in his red beret on patrol with his gpmg look "not" threatning - lol

But yeah Its a very dark blue beret almost black for the most of the British Armys regiuments

and apart from that you got the badges - which is a shame they didnt put em in


In Cryo Sleep
helemt or berret is the soldiers choice, in iraq me started with helmets because they thort they were gona die but went to berrets as they wernt seeing much attackion, also the nut cases do it because theyare hard lol, i suppose it shows the iraqs that we feel no threat from them as we can wear berrets and not fear for that leathal headshot


In Cryo Sleep
kevlar helmets (standard British helmet) would, didnt you see that dude who shot his helmet 4 times and said a iraqi did it, the news said he was well lucky, but he did it himself
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